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  1. January 9, 2013 Dear Parents/Guardians: This communication is being sent to share the proposed boundaries for Junction and our newest school, Fiddyment Farm Elementary, beginning with the 2013-2014 school year. The projected enrollment for kindergarten through fifth grade students in the WestPark and Fiddyment Farm development areas for the beginning of the 2013 school year is eight hundred and eighty-five. In determining the proposed boundaries for Junction and Fiddyment Farm, the district has evaluated the population of students living in close proximity to Junction and also the need to alleviate the crowded conditions at Junction and the need to open Fiddyment Farm. Please see the attached map of the West Plan area which highlights the various attendance areas. Currently, all students attend Junction Elementary. Area 460 is where Fiddyment Farm School is located, at 4001 Brick Mason Circle. Areas 462, 466, and 468 all have future school sites designated to be built within the next decade depending on the pace of growth. Area 464 contains the majority of current Junction students and will be the core of the Junction attendance area for years to come. The proposed boundaries for Fiddyment Farm would include areas 460, 462, and 466 excluding Bickleigh Loop, Hillsford Court, Liphan Court, Rushford Court, and Wallspring Court, which would remain part of the Junction attendance area. With these proposed changes, Fiddyment Farm is projected to begin the school year with nearly three hundred students and Junction would have approximately six hundred students. Current fourth grade students that have attended Junction for at least one full school year and reside in the designated boundary for Fiddyment Farm would have the option of completing the fifth grade at Junction. Siblings of these eligible students would also be grandfathered into Junction if the parents choose. Busing opportunities will be available to students in the Fiddyment Farm attendance area who live more than two miles from the school site. As always, parents wishing to have their students attend a school in the district other than their school of attendance may have the option of submitting an intra-district application. Applications may be picked-up at your school of residence or by accessing the district’s website under the heading of "Parents." If you have questions regarding these proposed boundary changes, please feel free to contact me at my e-mail address,, or via phone at (916) 771-1600, Extension 114. Sincerely, Richard L. Pierucci Richard L. Pierucci District Superintendent Downloadable versions of this letter and map available 2013_14_Boundary_Information_1_9_13 Junction-Fiddyment Farm.pdf Map_Junction- Fiddyment Farm School Boundaries 2013-2014.pdf
  2. Chilton_Night_Out_at_RT_on_12-12-121.pdfHoliday greetings Bobcat families!! We wanted to give you a quick update on the Chilton Parent Teacher Club (PTC) and share lots of exciting news and events. (1) Chilton Night Out - November's Chilton Night Out at Chick-fil-A last month brought in $645 for the PTC. We want to thank all those Bobcat families who came out to support this fundraising night! In addition, we want to acknowledge our wonderful staff who worked that evening. Many, many thanks!! Our next Chilton Night Out takes place this week on Wednesday, December 12, 4-8pm at Roundtable Pizza 9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Give yourself a break during this holiday season AND support the Chilton PTC by heading to Roundtable!! To make it easy on you, you can dine in, take out, or have your pizza delivered! The attached flyer has all the details AND must be presented to the cashier or driver. (2) Library Books - At our last PTC meeting, we approved $1000 of our funds to be used immediately towards the purchase of library books and resource materials. Mrs. Fischer, our wonderful librarian, is now in the process of ordering them and new books should be on our shelves in the coming weeks!! (3) Book Fair - Mark your calendars for February 5-7!! We are hosting Chilton's first Scholastic Book Fair! More details to come after the holidays. (4) Help? - Do you have an hour or two to spare? Are you interested in getting more involved at Chilton? We could use some assistance in the following areas: Chilton Habit Awards (monthly), Scholastic Book Fair (February), and Staff Appreciation (May). Please contact me at so we can chat about how you can lend a helping hand! (5) CPA or Bookkeeper Needed - Are you a CPA or a bookkeeper AND willing to donate some of your time to Chilton? We could use some assistance from time-to-time on reporting to the IRS and State. If you can assist us, please contact me at On behalf of the Chilton PTC board, we wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season!! Beth Martin PTC President
  3. Dear Chilton Families and WFFNA Neighbors, In an effort to think of others during this holiday season, we are supporting the Woodbridge School Giving Tree Program. You can help us out in our efforts two different ways. *Please send in your canned/boxed non-perishable food items to your child's 4th period class. We will collect food items through Tuesday, December 4th. *Visit our Giving Tree table before or after school Wednesday, 11/18 through Friday, 11/30. Here you will get to select a child and a gift that you will donate. Once you go shopping, just return that gift to us by December 7th. We will organize and ship off our donations to the Woodbridge families. Thank you for your support in spreading some holiday cheer. Sincerely, Chilton Leadership Students ***Please feel free to drop off Non-perishable/canned food items to the office at Chilton Miiddle School. Every donation is greatly needed! Thank You.
  4. Messgage Recieved 11/26/2012 6:40pm Good Evening, This is Mr. Ancker, principal of Chilton Middle School. Please listen to this message carefully. After school today, three female students reported being followed by a white van. These students first witnessed seeing the van on the corner of Elmgate and Ellison near Junction Elementary. As the students left the area and headed back to Chilton they reported that the van followed them as the rode their bikes down the bike path. The van then sped off and was seen once again at the crosswalk in front of Chilton Middle School. This incident was reported to the Roseville Police Department. As always, we advise that students remain aware of their surroundings and travel in groups whenever possible in route to and from school. Your child’s safety is our ultimate concern. If you or your child witnesses any suspicious activity, please do not hesitate to contact the school and the police department. Thank you
  5. Just in time for back to school shopping! Download the School Supply list for your student that will be attending Chilton Middle School right here! Grades 5-7th. Chilton Supply List 2012-2013 5th-7th Grade.pdf GO BOBCATS!!!
  6. EndOfYearLtr_20121.pdf We made it! What a great school year 2011-2012 was. Congratulations on our students graduating to the next grade level! I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who supported Junction Elementary this year via PTC programs, fundraisers, and events. I have had the pleasure serving on the PTC board, primarily as President, for the past four years, and I am very proud to be part of the Junction family. Back in 2008, Junction opened with approximately 250 students, a dismal library, and little to no technology in any of the cl***rooms. It was a blank canvas, and I am so proud to say that after four years dedicated to hard work, a solid governing board, and committed families, every cl***room at Junction now has state of the art technology, and robust literacy programs. The PTC has provided much needed financial support for classrooms and extracurricular activities, effectively picking up the slack from lack of state funding. Over the past four years, with your support, Junction’s PTC has raised approximately $200,000 in net revenues with 100% of the profit being invested back into Junction’s students, and I am so pleased to report that during the last PTC board meeting of 2012, a $7,500 check was cut to Junction to add an additional 375 books to Junction’s library shelves! Here’s just a snapshot of the way PTC dollars were put to work this year. For a full run down, please visit • Added Classroom Technology $27,000 • Classroom, Office, & Teacher Resources $4,800 • Lexia Reading Program $7,100 • Art Programs $2,500 • Music Program $1100 • Literacy/Library Fund $11,100 • School-wide Assembly Costs $2,500 • School Socials & Club Expenses $3,500 • P.E. & Recess Equipment $1,500 I am so proud to have served Junction in this role over the past four years. It is bittersweet to step down, but am so blessed to be passing the torch onto a very passionate, competent, and energetic new board led by Tarik Eldin. The future of PTC is in very good hands, and I thank you for all the time, effort, energy and memories you have helped create both in the Junction community, and for myself over the past few years. Not only do I extend a smiled filled thanks to everyone who has volunteered their time at a PTC sponsored event or fundraiser, I extend a very special thank you to my fellow board members, and consistent volunteers who I have relied on heavily day in and day out, and without none of the goals set forth by Mrs. Vincent would have been possible. Great job team! Thanks again for supporting PTC programs, ensuring our students have every possible advantage to make their futures as bright and healthy as possible! Have a happy and safe summer! Sincerely, Gina Nielsen President, Junction PTC
  7. DI_Info_Sheet1.pdfDESTINATION IMAGINATION We are looking for two second or third graders to complete our Destination Imagination (DI) team for the 2012/2013 school year. Destination Imagination is an exciting after school program! Students w or k together in teams of 7 to learn creative problem solving techniques that will aid them in completing a long-term project from August to March. This program encourages students to develop life long skills that carryover into everyday life, such as teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and FUN! Students will compete and present their project in a regional tournament in March. The team works together to solve instant challenges every week, along with completing a long-term challenge (project). This will the be the second year our DI team at Junction Elementary will compete in the Regional DI tournament in Granite Bay in March. We will be meeting weekly on Tuesday’s right after school from 3:15-4:15pm. For more information about DI, please see the attached flyer, visit, or contact Rebecca Schmidt at
  8. EndOfYearLtr_20121.pdfWe have had an amazing board of great volunteers for the 2011-2012 school year and we wanted to thank each of them for all of the hard work that they have put in as volunteers for our Little Jaguars: President: Gina Nielsen – Gina has put in 4 years on the Junction PTC Board, the past three of which she has been President. Gina, thank you for the outstanding job you’ve done in leading this organization and starting some wonderful traditions that our Jaguars have come to cherish! VP Events: Kristina Hamada-Wong – Kristina has been on the Board as Room Parent Coordinator, Head Art Docent, and now is starting her 3rd year as VP of Events. Kristina, thank you for your continued dedication to Junction and our little Jaguars! VP Fundraising: Steffani Krause – Steffani has served on the board for 3 out of the past 4 years in the VP Fundraising role. Steffani, thank you for running some great fundraisers and establishing fun family nights in our community that bring us FUN and FUNDS! VP Communications & Volunteer Coordinator: Brooke Mandell – Brooke has been active in the school for all 4 years and this year, alongside Dave Wong, made a splash with the website and Facebook revisions. Brooke, thanks for keeping everyone in the loop! Secretary & Sergeant of Arms: Kris Clements – Kris has served as Secretary for 2 years now and is always ready to step in where needed. Thank you, Kris! Treasurer: Michelle Fazio – Michelle stepped into the Treasurer position mid-year and did a fantastic job in organizing our Financials, as well as helped on multiple events this year. Thank you, Michelle, for stepping up when we needed you most! Room Parent Coordinator: Tina Eldin – Tina stepped into the Room Parent coordinator position mid-year as well as helped with Spiritwear along with Emily Shay. This next year she will serve as VP of Fundraising. Thank you, Tina, for the many hats (and Turkey costume) you’ve worn this year! Head Art Docent: Nicole Puentes – Nicole has been active in the art docent program for all four years and this year headed it up. Thank you, Nicole, for being there for all of the art docents and the kids!

About Us

The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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