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  1. The following is from the City Parks Department... We have received many inquiries regarding the grass at Festersen and Nichols Parks. I wanted to be sure to convey that the grass is not dead, but is in fact, healthy and thriving. The type of grass is Bermuda and it goes dormant (turning brown) in cold weather. When the weather warms up, it will turn green again. This is a typical cycle for this type of grass. There are many benefits in using Bermuda as outlined in the attached. The attachment is a sign that will be installed (if not already) at each site. Thanks for your time and consideration. Tara L. Gee Sr. Landscape Architect Parks & Recreation City of Roseville Bermuda_sign_revised_4 1.pdf
  2. This document will be going before the Roseville City Council for final approval on December 7th - at 7 PM (at the City Council Chambers). This was rescheduled from an earlier date. Attached you will find the Park Site W-53 -- WRSP EIR Addendum. This is the park South of Pleasant Grove between the church school property and the homes. This shows the final master plan for the park including specifics of the design and construction. It also reviews any environmental impacts the construction and use of the land as park may have. finaleiraddendum_w53.pdf Updated: Nov. 21, 2011
  3. Updated: January 10, 2012 The public hearing has not been re-scheduled at this time. As soon as the City informs us of new date we will inform all. Public Hearing Notice December 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at the Civic Center, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville CA. 2009pl_130_fiddyment_pc_legal_120811.pdf Updated with SPA3 - Draft Environmental Impact Report This Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) would add 1,905 additional residential units (580 Low Density Residential units, 609 Medium Density Residential Units, and 716 High Density Residential Units) into the West Roseville Specific Plan. Specifically in the area North of Blue Oaks and West of Fiddyment Road (Fiddyment Farm). Please plan to attend one or more of these public meetings and make your views known! Public Planning Commission meetings Nov 10th and Dec 8th. All public comments have to be in by Dec 12th at 5:00 PM. SPA3 - Draft Environmental Impact Report attachment (22 MB - 360 pages) below: SPA3 - Draft Environmental Impact Report.pdf See the attachment below: notice_of_availability_fiddyment_ranch_102511.pdf Quoted below is the body of the announcement: Environmental Determination: The Planning & Housing Director has determined that the project described below could have a significant effect on the environment; accordingly, a Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) has been prepared to analyze potential impacts. The DSEIR is available for public review beginning on October 27, 2011 and ending at 5:00 p.m. on December 12, 2011. The DSEIR may be reviewed during normal business hours in the Planning Department located at 311 Vernon Street in Roseville, CA, and online at www.roseville.ca.us (under the Planning Department “Current Projects” heading). Project Title/Name: Fiddyment Ranch Phase 3 Specific Plan Amendment – Specific Plan Amendment, General Plan Amendment, Subdivision Map, Rezone, Development Agreement Amendment - File #2009PL-130 (SPA-000040, GPA-000059, SUB-000141, RZ-000053 & DA-000044). Project Address/Location: 3000 Hayden Parkway – The project site is located within the West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) area, which encompasses approximately ±3,162 acres located in the northwest portion of the City of Roseville, west of Fiddyment Road. The proposed project will affect ±910 acres of the WRSP north of Blue Oaks Boulevard. APNs: 017-101-038; 017-117-045, 047and 048; 492-101-002, 003, 004, 005, 015, 020, 021, 031, and 033. Owner/Applicant: West Roseville Development Company, LLC, Roseville/Fiddyment Land Venture, LLC Current Land Use/Zoning: Land Use: Low Density Residential (LDR), Medium Density Residential (MDR), High Density Residential (HDR), Community Commercial (CC), Parks and Recreation (P/R) Open Space (OS), Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP). Zoning: Single-Family Residential/Development Standards (R1/DS), Small Lot Residential/Development Standards (RS/DS), Attached Housing (R3), Community Commercial (CC), Open Space (OS), Park and Recreation (PR), Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP). Project Planner: Ron Miller, Associate Planner Project Description: The applicant proposes to amend the West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) to accommodate 1,905 additional residential units (580 Low Density Residential units, 609 Medium Density Residential Units, and 716 High Density Residential Units) in Fiddyment Ranch Phases 1, 2, and 3. The revised land use plan will not change the footprint of the WRSP, but would redistribute certain land uses (LDR, LDR (Pocket Parks), MDR and HDR, CC, P/R, OS, P/Q-P, and Right-of-way) within the project area. In addition, the project proposes to change development densities within certain Fiddyment Ranch residential parcels. Significant Environmental Impacts Anticipated: The DSEIR has identified the following areas within which significant environmental impacts are anticipated: Land Use and Planning, Transportation/Traffic, Noise, Air Quality, Climate Change, Public Utilities, Public Services. Mitigation measures to reduce the impacts are included in the Draft EIR to the extent feasible. Public meetings to receive comments on the DSEIR have been scheduled before the Planning Commission on November 10, 2011 and December 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at the Civic Center, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville CA. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments prior to and may testify at the public meeting(s). Written comments may be submitted to Ron Miller, Planning & Housing Department, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. PAUL RICHARDSON Planning & Housing Director Dated: October 26, 2011 Edit - added public meeting notice
  4. Here is the information we just got from the city: If you did not know - the "real grass" died so all that was there were weeds. They plan to aerate the ground and insert nutrients where they killed the grass (weeds). On Wednesday (April 27) they will plant (not spray) seeds using a machine that cuts small grooves into the ground. They will install orange plastic fence around the newly seeded area and immediately open the remainder of both Parks -- the play structures, picnic area and restrooms. They may end up putting in sod on the remainder of the small grass areas around the play structures that they did not kill. For now, that’s TBD. They expect to have both Parks fully open by the 4th of July weekend. The grand opening for Nichols will be on the 23rd of July. I don’t have a date for the grand opening of Festersen but it will probably be in early August.
  5. The revised W-53 master plan is now posted on the city’s web page at: http://roseville.ca....asp#WRSP%20W-53 This will be presented at the May 2, 2011 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting, 7 pm at the City Council Chambers – 311 Vernon Street.
  6. Wednesday April 6, 2011 -- 7 pm Notice is hereby given that on April 6, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the City Council of the City of Roseville will hold a Public Meeting at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA for the purpose of a WORKSHOP ON THE CREEKVIEW SPECIFIC PLAN - 3000 BLUE OAKS BOULEVARD - FILE #2007PL-05 (ANN-000003. GPA-000037. SPA-00026. RZ-00OO40 & DA-000031). More information can be found in the attached letter from the city. Creekview SP - Approval Meeting.pdf
  7. From the City of Roseville: I am writing to inform WFFNA board that the City will be constructing a monitoring well at the Bud Nichols park next week. The monitoring well is for groundwater monitoring and is part of the City's Western Placer County Groundwater Management Plan. The duration of the construction is expected to be about a week. Attached is a door hanger with more information that we have placed on the residents' doors within Woodgate Dr, Allimore Ct, and Roxby Dr. Cathy Lee, P.E. Senior Engineer Environmental Utilities City of Roseville 2005 Hilltop Circle Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 746-1703 door hanger v4.pdf
  8. Roseville Police Department Crime Prevention News Bulletins (see attached news bulletins below) 2010-10_Roseville Police Department - Crime Prevention News Bulletin (Oct 2010).pdf 2010-08_Roseville Police Department - Crime Prevention News Bulletin (Aug 2010).pdf 2010-05_Roseville Police Department - Crime Prevention News Bulletin (May 2010.pdf
  9. March 10 2011 7:00pm Council Chambers 311 Vernon Street Roseville, CA 95678 Map
  10. March 10 2011 7:00pm Council Chambers 311 Vernon Street Roseville, CA 95678 Map
  11. Posted by Aaron Hermann: For 3 years now the Roseville City School District has leased Barbara Chilton Middle School to St. John's School without any consultation from local parents. January 13th several parents including myself attended the Roseville City School District meeting and requested to have a public comment forum put on the agenda for the February 3rd meeting. We asked to be able to voice our concerns in regards to the District once again delaying the opening of Barbara Chilton School. In previous meetings regarding the middle school we have asked to be notified of any changes to the school opening and the chance for a public forum. At those meetings, Superintendent Pierucci stated he would honor that request if there were any changes. He must have forgot his promise when he signed an extension to the lease for St. John's school for the 2011-2012 school year. There was no public forum! Worse yet he didn't want to honor our request to have a public forum on January 13th at the meeting. He tried once again to brush us off. The board was the body who approved the request for the upcoming agenda. I have attached the letter he has sent out recently regarding the opening of the school. On February 3rd Junction Elementary Parents will be letting the Roseville City School District and Superintendent know how we feel about another year of our middle school being leased to St. John's. I urge you to attend this upcoming meeting and show your support. Please forward this to friends, family, and neighbors. Let's keep this school board and superintendent accountable. When: Thursday, February 3rd from 6pm-8pm (Public Comment is normally in the beginning) Where: 1050 Main Street in Roseville (Located by Foothills and Baseline across from Kragen) Remember: You Pay Taxes plus additional Mello Roos for these schools and to boot they're going to charge you for the bus ride to the other middle school!
  12. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING FOR CREEKVIEW SPECIFIC PLAN Notice is hereby given that the City of Roseville will host a public informational meeting on the Creekview Specific Plan, a proposed annexation area located on the northwest corner of the City. Information about this proposal will be presented and an opportunity will be given to ask questions. The meeting will be held at the following time and place: Monday, January 10, 2011 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Martha Riley Community Library, 1501 Pleasant Grove Bl. Members of the public are invited to attend. Representatives from other City departments will also be present. The latest information on the Creekview Specific Plan can also be found on the City's web site at: http://www.roseville.ca.us/creekview An informational session will also be held to present the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to members of the City's advisory commissions. The public is also invited to attend this presentation, which will be during the Thursday January 13, 2011 Planning Commission meeting, at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 311 Vernon St. Roseville CA 95678. Public Comment Period: Public hearings concerning the proposed Creekview Specific Plan are tentatively scheduled for the following dates: Tuesday, January 18 Transportation Commission Thursday, January 20 Design Committee Tuesday, January 25 Public Utilities Commission Monday, February 7 Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, February 10 Planning Commission Thursday, February 24 Planning Commission Thursday, March 10 Planning Commission All public hearings will take place at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 311 Vernon St. Roseville CA 95678. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments on the Draft EIR by February 11, 2011 at 5 p.m. City Council action is tentatively scheduled for April 2011. Written comments may be submitted to the City of Roseville Planning & Redevelopment Department, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. Please direct questions and comments to: Nela Luken, Senior Planner, (916) 774-5276, nluken@roseville.ca.us or Steve Lindbeck, Project Planner, (916) 774-5276, slindbeck@roseville.ca.us Dated: December 22, 2010
  13. On December 8, 2010, members of the City of Roseville Parks and Recreation presented the park site proposal for the W-53 park site located between the new St. John’s church/school and Carrington/Walkabout homes. Jeff Dubinsky, Park Manager and Tara Gee, Senior Park Planner presented the proposal to over 30 members of the WestPark-Fiddyment Farm neighborhood. The park is considered a City-Wide Park (like those adjacent to the Junction and Chilton schools), and as such, will be used by the City for city-organized sports. As planned, park amenities will include: adult outdoor fitness equipment, 2-seat bathrooms, picnic and play areas, and a fenced dog park. Sports amenities will include 2-youth softball fields with a soccer field overlay, 3 half-court basketball courts, and 2 tennis courts. At this time, the only lighting will be those for security, but they are still deciding about lighting the tennis courts—if so, they will have automatic shut-off at 10:00 PM. The plan does not include any on-site parking, but they indicated parking should be amply provided by the church/school areas. Representatives from St. John’s responded that the church is supposed to have 250 parking spots, but they have not as yet even begun their plans for the school facility. Following the planning and approval phases, the project would go out to bid in the winter of 2011, with construction to begin in the spring of 2012 and finish summer of 2012, and probably followed by a 3-month waiting period for the grass to grow (as with Junction and Chilton now). City-Wide park fees are part of each house purchase price, and $10 of each city-run sports fee goes towards parks maintenance. Ms. Gee also mentioned that homeowners mello roos assessments also contribute to park maintenance fees. She said that currently we are only being assessed with the one completed park (Burner) and assessments will increase as each park is completed for use. A number of comments and concerns were brought up by the neighborhood members: Will the dog park be split into small and large dog areas? Still being considered.Several neighbors felt the park should be ‘flipped’ so that the sports area is away from the houses and conveniently closer to the parking areas, thus taking the noise and lights away from the residential areas. This would also put the picnic and children’s areas closer to the residential areas. Some concern was raised about the mello roos assessments which have already been increased each year to the maximum. If we are supposedly only being assessed for one park currently, how will the needs be met as the new parks are completed? No comment from the City. The W-53 park site plan (concept) has been posted for viewing and comment at yourlandscape@Roseville,CA.US. The comment period will end Wednesday, December 22, 2010. WFFNA would encourage you to submit your support to ‘flip’ the park site and any additional concerns you have before the deadline.
  14. November 29, 2010 RE: Update on progress of park construction for Festersen (W-55) and Nichols (W-52) parks I wanted to take a moment to provide you with an update on the two park projects. As expected, the two contractors are neck and neck in meeting their respective completion dates. Both contractors still have some minor work to do, but are essentially complete with the construction phase of the project. Now, it’s a matter of watching the grass grow. For both sites, the grass type is a Bermuda blend. The Bermuda blend is a stronger variety of grass, standing up to heavy foot traffic better than other types. Long term maintenance on an established Bermuda grass is also very cost effective because of the greater resistance to wear and tear and compatibility with recycled water. Lastly, the adjacent schools already have this type of grass in their fields. For these reasons, it is the best choice for these parks. No choice comes without some disadvantages. Bermuda is more difficult to establish and goes brown when temperatures get colder. With the Fall weather turning cold and the young turf blades just getting started, you will initially be seeing more weeds than actual grass. As the weather starts to warm up again, the grass will again grow but the consistency in having a nice green carpet of grass may not happen during the first year of growth. These characteristics do not indicate a lack of maintenance or care, it is part of the grow-in process that takes place and the City will be actively managing the grass establishment. As for other aspects of the construction, there are areas that may seem to drain slowly or have puddling. We are monitoring these areas and will be making adjustments accordingly. In some cases, we have placed straw bales, straw waddles (rolls), silt fences, filter fabric or other materials that impede the drainage patterns and flows. These will remain in place throughout the winter. These are state requirements under the Clean Water Act and cannot be removed until the project is complete. In other cases, it may be a pre-existing condition that we need to find solutions for. We will be working through those solutions during this establishment/grow-in period. Lastly, and as a reminder, the construction fences will remain up throughout the Fall and Winter. Minor activity will be occurring, but it may seem that no one is on-site. Such activity may be to certifying the play structure to ensure safety, safety inspections for the shade and restroom, irrigation head adjustments, plant care, fertilization, etc. We ask your help in ensuring that we stay outside the fenced areas. The fences are up to ensure your safety. Premature use can also lead to damage to “not yet ready for use’ items. The repairs to the damage will be added costs to the project and in some cases, can delay opening the park if damaged parts have long lead times for delivery. We do not have a definite opening date as yet, but are targeting March/April 2011timeframes to take the fences down. This will depend on how soon Spring arrives and how the grass holds up through the Winter. Formal park dedications will likely happen in the summer. Thank you again for your interest and participation in the park projects. We are in the home stretch and are looking forward to opening the parks for your enjoyment. Sincerely, Tara L. Gee, Sr. Landscape Architect

About Us

The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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