NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS AND INTENT TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that the City of Roseville will host a series of public hearings as listed below to review and receive comments on the Westbrook Amendment of the Sierra Vista Specific Plan, a 400-acre parcel located on the west edge of the City (File #2011PL-043). Information about this proposal will be presented and an opportunity will be given to ask questions. Public hearings will be 7 p.m. at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA. April 24, 2012 Public Utilities Commission April 26, 2012 Planning Commission Request: The applicant requests consideration of the Westbrook Amendment which includes the following: 1) a General Plan Amendment and 2) a Specific Plan Amendment to establish residential, commercial, parks, open space, and public land use designations; 3) a Zoning Amendment to establish zoning for each parcel; and 4) a Development Agreement between the City and the property owner to provide the infrastructure needed to support the proposed development. Project Title/Name: Westbrook Amendment Project Address: 2801 Pleasant Grove Bl. APN: 017-150-002, -019, -023, & -025 Owner/Applicant: Westpark SV 400, LLC Current Zoning: UR, Urban Reserve Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has determined that the anticipated environmental impacts of the Westbrook project were already addressed in the certified Final Environmental Impact Report (“EIR”) for the Sierra Vista Specific Plan (“SVSP”), as approved by the Roseville City Council in May 2010, and that with mitigation, all impacts would be the same or less than those analyzed in the EIR. Therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15070 and will circulate for 30-day public review period from April 5 through May 7, 2012. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments prior to and may testify at the public hearings. Written comments about this application may be submitted to the City of Roseville Planning Department, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. Please direct questions and comments to: Nela Luken, Senior Planner, (916) 774-5276, or Steve Lindbeck, Project Planner, (916) 774-5276, Dated: April 11, 2012 Publish: April 14, 2012