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  1. until
    FFNA board meetings are open to the public and will be held at (see the date for location): Chilton Middle School - Library 4501 Bob Doyle Drive -- map Roseville, CA 95747 or St John's Episcopal Church -- map 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (unless a holiday interferes) from 7 to 9 PM. 2019 Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting Dates January 8 - Chilton Library February 12 - Chilton Library March 12 - Chilton Library Chilton Multi-purpose Room April 9 - Chilton Library May 14 - Chilton Library June 11 - TBA
  2. The Western Placer Waste Management Authority (WPWMA) is the lead agency and will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Renewable Placer: Waste Action Plan (proposed project), which is described in detail in the attached Notice of Preparation (NOP). In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code [PRC] Section 21000 et seq.), WPWMA is distributing the attached NOP to the Office of Planning and Research, each responsible agency, interested parties, and federal agencies involved in approving the project, and to trustee agencies responsible for natural resources affected by the project. Agencies and interested parties may provide WPWMA with written comments on topics to be addressed in the EIR for the project. Because of time limits mandated by State law, comments should be provided no later than 5:00 pm on April 15, 2019. Please direct all written comments to the following address: Western Placer Waste Management Authority 3013 Fiddyment Road Roseville, CA 95747 Attention: Stephanie Ulmer Email: NOPcomments@RenewablePlacer.com Agencies that will need to use the EIR when considering permits or other approvals for the proposed project should provide the name of a contact person. Comments provided by email should include “Renewable Placer: Waste Action Plan NOP” in the subject line and the name and address of the commenter in the email body. All written comments pertaining to environmental issues received during the NOP comment period will be considered and addressed in the Draft EIR, which is anticipated to be available for public review in late spring 2020. A Scoping Meeting will be held to present the proposed project and to solicit input from the public and responsible agencies on the content of the Draft EIR at the WPWMA’s administrative offices, located at 3013 Fiddyment Road, Roseville, CA 95747, on April 1 at 6:00 pm. Additional information is available at www.RenewablePlacer.com. Thank you, Stephanie Ulmer | Environmental Resources Specialist Western Placer Waste Management Authority (916) 543-3985 Direct | (916) 543-3990 Fax www.WPWMA.com | www.OneBigBin.com 2019-03-15 WPWMA NOP.pdf
  3. Fire Station 5 Open House - 1565 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Saturday, March 23 - 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Get to know your fire department and learn how to make your home fire safe! Join the Roseville Fire Department for a morning of activities, education and family fun! Tour the fire station, see the equipment, and ask questions of the firefighters. This is a family friendly free event.
  4. until
    FFNA board meetings are open to the public and will be held at (see the date for location): Chilton Middle School - Library 4501 Bob Doyle Drive -- map Roseville, CA 95747 or St John's Episcopal Church -- map 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (unless a holiday interferes) from 7 to 9 PM. 2019 Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting Dates January 8 - Chilton Library February 12 - Chilton Library March 12 - Chilton Library Chilton Multi-purpose Room April 9 - Chilton Library May 14 - Chilton Library June 11 - TBA
  5. By: Rob Baquera, Roseville Police Department, Public Information Officer If you have an IPhone or an Android or use Verizon, ATT, or T-Mobile, you should be aware of the newest scams and fraudulent activities involving mobile devices. Scammers and fraudsters create new and more realistic ways of tricking us into giving up personal information or stealing money. The website, www.usa.gov/scams-and-frauds, published a detailed article, on January 30, 2019, on some of the common scams and frauds. The FBI also has a site dedicated to providing information on 23 different types of schemes, fraudulent activity, or scams: www.fbi.gov/scams-and-safety/common-fraud-schemes. Similar to the steps taken to protect one’s identity, there are other technological measures you can take to protect your personal data, money, and electronic or mobile devices. Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to steal sensitive information. Phishing emails, surveys, and fake advertisements are a common practice scammers use because many people today have mobile devices. Many of us use our mobile device to make online purchases, communicate with others, maintain activity calendar, and create a record of sorts. Some of the new phishing schemes may look like they come from a trusted source and include requests for information like experience surveys, feedback requests, or previously purchased item recommendations. Here are a few ways to protect your mobile device: Let calls from unrecognized numbers go to voicemail, and then listen to the voicemail. Do not call back any recorded messages, especially those offering free trials or call back requests regarding a prize you have won. Avoid accepting insurance calls from scammers claiming to be with your mobile service carrier, or the company where you purchased your phone. These scammers will try to offer to sell you insurance, and you may never actually get the phone insurance. Always contact the trusted company directly to confirm the offer is valid. Do not call back unrecognized numbers, especially if it rings only once. You run the risk of being charged connection fees if the call came from outside the USA. Some area codes that have been used in such scams are: 265, 809, 876, 284, and 473. Use authorized mobile applications (apps) - download apps from an app store, rather than a website, and access your personal or banking information only from your bank’s official app or website. Be familiar with your phone’s security settings – knowing what your phone is capable of doing, and what security capabilities your phone already has in place can help secure your data and mobile device from intrusion. Contact Roseville Police Department to file a police report online or by calling the non-emergency number: 916-774-5000. Technology has made life more convenient in many ways but also requires diligence in protecting our personal information. Take some proactive steps today to protect your personal information and mobile device(s).
  6. Posted by Scott Alvord - Here are some facts regarding the Orchard Ranch Elementary School growth and plans for a new elementary school. I was reading a lot of comments, containing a lot of fear and speculation. Since school districts are not governed by the city, I decided to ask the district for some clarification and information that I could share. This is a response to me directly from the district superintendent (Dirk Garcia): "Riego Creek Elementary School is the next elementary school to be built in West Roseville The architectural plans are approved by the State of California, and the construction firm is under contract. Riego Creek is the final 'developer-built' school. West Park LLC holds the contracts and fronts the money to build the school. We repay them over time. Their current timeline is to build the school in 2021 with an opening in 2022. Until then, we will attempt to keep students living near Orchard Ranch Elementary School at their neighborhood school - thus the additional portables. Orchard Ranch Elementary School opened two years ago with 450 students. It grew by 300 students this year. We can educate approximately 850 students on the site. This means we can accommodate approximately 100 more students before we need to overflow children to Fiddyment Farm Elementary School." https://www.facebook.com/groups/Westpark.Neighborhood.Association.WNA/permalink/1241749059309984/
  7. until
    FFNA board meetings are open to the public and will be held at (see the date for location): Chilton Middle School - Library 4501 Bob Doyle Drive -- map Roseville, CA 95747 or St John's Episcopal Church -- map 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (unless a holiday interferes) from 7 to 9 PM. 2019 Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting Dates January 8 - Chilton Library February 12 - Chilton Library March 12 - Chilton Library April 9 - Chilton Library May 14 - Chilton Library June 11 - TBA
  8. Join us at 7 pm Tuesday, January 8th at Chilton Middle School – Library for our monthly meeting. Our guest speaker will be Bruce Houdesheldt - Planning Commissioner. He will speak about ongoing construction projects in west Roseville. Come and join neighbors Tuesday, Jan 8th!
  9. New trail segment opens in downtown Roseville A new portion of trail is now open between Folsom Road and Lincoln Street. This trail connects the existing Miner's Ravine Trail from Sierra College Boulevard to Royer Park. With next year's completion of the Downtown Bridges & Trail Project, the trail will continue further through Royer Park and on to Darling Way. This will result in a continuous 6-mile off-street trail through Roseville. Free public parking is available in the trailhead lot adjacent to Fire Station 1 on Lincoln Street. More spots are also located in the Vernon Street and Oak Street parking garages. Construction was funded with Transportation Development Act funds. No City of Roseville General Fund money was used on the project. Temporary closure on Pleasant Grove Creek Trail Drainage work has temporarily closed the South Branch of the Pleasant Grove Creek Trail where it passes under Woodcreek Oaks Boulevard. Please choose an alternate route. This trail segment is anticipated to reopen in several weeks. The remainder of the Pleasant Grove Creek Trail remains open. View a map of all trails and bikeways. Dry Creek Greenway EAST: Transportation Commission to consider final environmental report The Dry Creek Greenway East Project will be discussed at the upcoming Transportation Commission meeting. Under consideration is certification of the Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR), selection of the trail alignment in the Riverside Avenue and Sunrise Avenue areas, and project approval. LEARN MORE. Dry Creek Greenway WEST: View feedback from open house and online workshop More than 200 people shared ideas about the Dry Creek Greenway West at the second community open house and online workshop. This valuable feedback is being considered along with other criteria such as creek location, topography, safety, aesthetics, and land use impacts. A draft study that includes preferred trail alternatives will be available for public review in early 2019. LEARN MORE. More Share the Trail signs and pavement markings on Roseville paths Roseville’s trails are a great place for fun and transportation. Please remember to Share the Trail whether you're on foot or on wheels. Similar to other trails in our region, bicyclists keep to the right lane, except when passing. Pedestrians keep to the left lane so they can see oncoming cyclists. Seeing oncoming trail users is especially helpful if you're wearing headphones. In addition to Share the Trail signs, you'll notice new pavement markings showing the travel direction for pedestrians and bicyclists. By following these safety tips, we can all enjoy our more than 35 miles of paths. LEARN MORE. Public Works - Alternative Transportation 316 Vernon Street, Suite 150, Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 774-5293 | transportation@roseville.ca.us | www.roseville.ca.us/bikeways
  10. until
    Saturday, December 8, 2018, at Roseville Sports Center at Mahany Park 1545 Pleasant Grove Blvd Time: 1 - 4:30 p.m. Kids — See Santa’s Arrival on a Roseville Fire Truck at 1:30 PM. Cookies, punch, live entertainment, and crafts — all FREE! Download the flyer here: SITP Flyer 2018 Final.pdf
  11. until
    Pancake Breakfast Saturday, December 1st 6:30am - 10:30am Fire Station 7, 911 Highland Pointe Dr. Please join us for a free pancake breakfast including hot cakes, sausages, O.J. and coffee Download the flyer here: 2018 Pancake Breakfast.pdf
  12. until
    FFNA board meetings are open to the public and will be held at (see the date for location): Chilton Middle School - Library 4501 Bob Doyle Drive -- map Roseville, CA 95747 or St John's Episcopal Church -- map 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (unless a holiday interferes) from 7 to 9 PM. 2019 Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting Dates January 8 - Chilton Library
  13. Saturday, December 8, 2018, at Roseville Sports Center at Mahany Park 1545 Pleasant Grove Blvd Time: 1 - 4:30 p.m. Kids — See Santa’s Arrival on a Roseville Fire Truck at 1:30 PM. Cookies, punch, live entertainment, and crafts — all FREE! Download the flyer here: SITP Flyer 2018 Final.pdf
  14. until
    FFNA board meetings are open to the public and will be held at (see the date for location): Chilton Middle School - Library 4501 Bob Doyle Drive -- map Roseville, CA 95747 or St John's Episcopal Church -- map 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (unless a holiday interferes) from 7 to 9 PM. 2018 Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting Dates January 9 - Chilton Library February 13 - Chilton Multi-purpose Room March 13 - Chilton Library April 10 - Chilton Library May 8 - Chilton Library June 12 - St John's Episcopal Church July 10 - St John's Episcopal Church August 14 - St John's Episcopal Church September 11 - Chilton Library Cancelled - all members are urged to attend RCONA's City Council Candidates Forum October 9 - Chilton Multi-purpose Room November 13 - Chilton Library December 11 - Chilton Library
  15. until
    Our annual election will take place at the general membership meeting on Tuesday, October 9th at Chilton Middle School - Multi-purpose Room at 7 pm. Guest Speaker - Dominick Casey, Roseville City Manager City Manager Dominick Casey will provide information about current budget projections, the factors affecting the city budget, what’s been done to reduce expenses, what Measure B says, and the options that lie ahead after the election.

About Us

The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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