Updated: January 10, 2012 The public hearing has not been re-scheduled at this time. As soon as the City informs us of new date we will inform all. Public Hearing Notice December 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at the Civic Center, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville CA. 2009pl_130_fiddyment_pc_legal_120811.pdf Updated with SPA3 - Draft Environmental Impact Report This Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) would add 1,905 additional residential units (580 Low Density Residential units, 609 Medium Density Residential Units, and 716 High Density Residential Units) into the West Roseville Specific Plan. Specifically in the area North of Blue Oaks and West of Fiddyment Road (Fiddyment Farm). Please plan to attend one or more of these public meetings and make your views known! Public Planning Commission meetings Nov 10th and Dec 8th. All public comments have to be in by Dec 12th at 5:00 PM. SPA3 - Draft Environmental Impact Report attachment (22 MB - 360 pages) below: SPA3 - Draft Environmental Impact Report.pdf See the attachment below: notice_of_availability_fiddyment_ranch_102511.pdf Quoted below is the body of the announcement: Environmental Determination: The Planning & Housing Director has determined that the project described below could have a significant effect on the environment; accordingly, a Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) has been prepared to analyze potential impacts. The DSEIR is available for public review beginning on October 27, 2011 and ending at 5:00 p.m. on December 12, 2011. The DSEIR may be reviewed during normal business hours in the Planning Department located at 311 Vernon Street in Roseville, CA, and online at www.roseville.ca.us (under the Planning Department “Current Projects” heading). Project Title/Name: Fiddyment Ranch Phase 3 Specific Plan Amendment – Specific Plan Amendment, General Plan Amendment, Subdivision Map, Rezone, Development Agreement Amendment - File #2009PL-130 (SPA-000040, GPA-000059, SUB-000141, RZ-000053 & DA-000044). Project Address/Location: 3000 Hayden Parkway – The project site is located within the West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) area, which encompasses approximately ±3,162 acres located in the northwest portion of the City of Roseville, west of Fiddyment Road. The proposed project will affect ±910 acres of the WRSP north of Blue Oaks Boulevard. APNs: 017-101-038; 017-117-045, 047and 048; 492-101-002, 003, 004, 005, 015, 020, 021, 031, and 033. Owner/Applicant: West Roseville Development Company, LLC, Roseville/Fiddyment Land Venture, LLC Current Land Use/Zoning: Land Use: Low Density Residential (LDR), Medium Density Residential (MDR), High Density Residential (HDR), Community Commercial (CC), Parks and Recreation (P/R) Open Space (OS), Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP). Zoning: Single-Family Residential/Development Standards (R1/DS), Small Lot Residential/Development Standards (RS/DS), Attached Housing (R3), Community Commercial (CC), Open Space (OS), Park and Recreation (PR), Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP). Project Planner: Ron Miller, Associate Planner Project Description: The applicant proposes to amend the West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) to accommodate 1,905 additional residential units (580 Low Density Residential units, 609 Medium Density Residential Units, and 716 High Density Residential Units) in Fiddyment Ranch Phases 1, 2, and 3. The revised land use plan will not change the footprint of the WRSP, but would redistribute certain land uses (LDR, LDR (Pocket Parks), MDR and HDR, CC, P/R, OS, P/Q-P, and Right-of-way) within the project area. In addition, the project proposes to change development densities within certain Fiddyment Ranch residential parcels. Significant Environmental Impacts Anticipated: The DSEIR has identified the following areas within which significant environmental impacts are anticipated: Land Use and Planning, Transportation/Traffic, Noise, Air Quality, Climate Change, Public Utilities, Public Services. Mitigation measures to reduce the impacts are included in the Draft EIR to the extent feasible. Public meetings to receive comments on the DSEIR have been scheduled before the Planning Commission on November 10, 2011 and December 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at the Civic Center, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville CA. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments prior to and may testify at the public meeting(s). Written comments may be submitted to Ron Miller, Planning & Housing Department, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. PAUL RICHARDSON Planning & Housing Director Dated: October 26, 2011 Edit - added public meeting notice