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until2017 FFNA Board Meetings FFNA board meetings are open to the public and will be held at (see date for location): Chilton Middle School Library 4501 Bob Doyle Drive -- map Roseville, CA 95747 or St John's Episcopal Church -- map 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (unless a holiday interferes) from 7 to 9 PM. 2017 Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting DatesJanuary 10 - Chilton LibraryFebruary 14 - Chilton LibraryMarch 14 - Chilton LibraryApril 11 - St John's Episcopal ChurchMay 9 - Chilton LibraryJune 13 - Chilton LibraryJuly 11 - TBAAugust 8 - TBASeptember 12 - Chilton LibraryOctober 10 - Chilton Multi-purpose RoomNovember 14 - Chilton LibraryDecember 12 - Chilton Library
Date: 3-14-2017 WestPark and Fiddyment Farm NA Board Meeting, Chilton Middle School At the 3/14/2017 Combined Board Meeting of the WestPark and Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Associations, Greg Bitter from the City of Roseville Planning Department responded to a list of questions that had been submitted to him in advance of the meeting. Also adding comments later were Jeff Jones and John Tallman of Westpark Communities, and Jack Duran, Placer County District 1 Supervisor. Greg Bitter, City of Roseville Planning: 1. Blue Oaks Blvd. Extension and completion of Hayden Parkway: says it now depends on the Creekview project; Granite Bay sold the property and withdrew its development plans, so there are no plans presently to complete the extension. In response to Board members concerns expressed over the public safety (police and fire safety) of not being able to have the direct access, he said the City feels there is no need for concern, that the area is classified as “rural” and response times are in accordance with requirements. Capt. Kilmer indicated that current response times of having to go around are about 7 ½ to 8 minutes, but would be about 4 minutes faster if Blue Oaks went through. To inquiries of what is considered ‘rural’, Pete Constant said it is a classification set by LAFCO (Land Agency Formation Commission) to ensure municipal service requirements and reviews. Greg Bitter will research whether our ‘rural’ classification can be upgraded and get back to Loren Cook. Sue Cook reminded Mr. Bitter that our residents have been paying a special added road fee that was imposed to supposedly advance getting Blue Oaks and Westbrook Boulevards completed (which are now about two years behind original completion schedules). 2. Gas Station (Parcel F-81 N. Fiddyment Road & Angus)—private owner has resubmitted the permit; Wayne Wiley indicated to Loren that he will coordinate to have the project planner present the project at a future NA meeting. Greg said there will be one gas canopy (possibly 5-6 pumps), and a convenience market. 3. Grocery Store rumor (Parcel F-31 (N. Fiddyment Road & Blue Oaks Blvd.)—confirmed that there will be a commercial center at that corner, probably including a grocery store. 4. Baseline Marketplace—Fiddyment Road & Baseline: Denios and developers of the Sierra Vista Specific Plan have finally received wetland permits; infrastructure could start next year, probably not open until 2019. All developers along Baseline and Fiddyment Roads will have to comply with widening and road requirements as projects proceed; similar to the road work progressing on the Campus Oaks project now underway (Blue Oaks & Woodcreek Oaks Blvds.) 5. Siena Apartments Parking: The City has approached St. Anton’s (owners) to consider purchasing a strip of property next to the complex, but they have declined. They were given a “density bonus” for the HDR property allowing a reduced number of parking spaces. The City will continue to ask property management to make sure they enforce the “conditions of approval” that garages must be kept available for parking cars, but compliance seems to vary depending on current management. The City can impose penalties through its Code Enforcement division if problems cannot be resolved any other way. Because of other HDR facilities to be built in the WRSP, Sue Cook indicated the neighborhood concerns are that other ‘parking density’ bonuses might be awarded in the future creating more problem areas. 6. Water Treatment Plant Expansion & Energy Recovery: Mr. Bitter said the project went before the Roseville Public Utilities Commission last month and provided a 2/17/2017 Staff Report from the Environmental Utilities Division (will attach copy with this review). Digesters should help eliminate odors from the plant; other members noted there is a very strong odor of the methane gas at the landfill plant on Fiddyment Road. 7. Sports Complex: Placer Valley Tourism now wants 10 soccer fields on the property; they are redoing the environmental review; still need permits. A ‘shared park’ plan (with high school and surrounding regional park land) has just come out, and Loren will invite Tara Gee to make a presentation for updates. Last discussions also indicated an extension of Blue Oaks Blvd. for one-quarter mile (if not finished further by then). 8. Affordable Housing properties: In response to previous questions raised about parcels designated as ‘affordable housing’, Mr. Bitter said Parcels F-25 and F-26 are no longer required to be affordable housing (apparently changed with SPA-3 approval). Those parcels still designated as “Affordable” are Fiddyment Farm parcels F-20 (Siena Apts), F-22, F-6B, and F-8A, and WestPark parcel W-27. Greg mentioned that the owners of two commercial sites (F-33 and F-32) adjacent to F-25 and F-26 have approached the City to discuss rezoning to delete commercial requirements, but the City feels it is too early to entertain any land use changes there yet. Jeff Jones and John Tallman of Westpark Communities: 9. Village Center— Jeff Jones said they submitted the new concept plans to the City at the end of February. The plans will go through the usual project evaluation process, including Parks and Recreation reviews June/July, and public hearings July/August; and hopefully proceed to the Planning Commission late July and City Council 2 hearings in August. Oakmont Senior facility also submitted its application, to follow closely behind Westpark’s plan timeline; and they have a tentative contract pending. Greg Bitter also indicated there has been some interest from commercial developers at the City after the Village Center plans were filed. Members thanks Jeff and John for their presentation to involve the neighborhoods, and thought most of the feedback was very positive after the February public meeting and continuing efforts to keep the neighborhoods updated. 10. Avia Apartments (possibly to be renamed Fiddyment Ranch Apartments)—Greg said a design remodification has been approved. The original builders and management had split, and the designers had copyright to the plans. The foundations are already in, so it took another year to redesign without infringing on the copyrighted plans. It will still have the same number of units and parking spaces, but different look. No date of start known at this time; need to find a new builder and management team. Mr.Bitter said the building codes were updated 1/1/2017, so the City was busy with many plans submitted before the code changes would go into effect. Jack Duran, Placer County District 1 Supervisor answered a few updates: 11. Dry Creek bridge—they would proceed one side at a time, starting at the end of this year. 12. Placer Ranch—Jack Duran said they are meeting with the project manager tomorrow and moving forward; they’ve met with Sacramento State University and ready to go forth. 13. Baseline Road improvements—they are probably 3-5 years out to start. Although Measure ‘M’ did not pass, they are looking at other alternatives for a legislative fix for those areas that had voted in favor of the measure, using CEQA to speed the process. Latest Land Use Plan: WRSP_LUM may 2017.pdf
DATE: March 10, 2017 FROM: Gina McColl, Associate Planner SUBJECT: NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPROVE A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Dear Roseville Property Owner and Interested Individuals: The purpose of this notice is to inform you that a Lot Line Adjustment application has been submitted to the Roseville Planning Division. The requested entitlement is described below. The City administratively approves entitlements for minor types of projects and will not hold a public hearing unless you or another interested individual requests a public hearing. Based on our review of the application and consistency with City standards, the Planning Manager intends to approve the Lot Line Adjustment eleven days following the date of this letter, unless a public hearing is requested. All requests for a public hearing must t,,3 in writing and must be received by the Planning Division no later than 5 p.m. on the date noted below. If a public hearing is requested, you will receive notice of the date, time, and place of the Planning Commission public hearing. The Planning Manager's action to approve this permit may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 10 days of the approval date. Applicant: Craig Spiess, MacKay & Somps, Inc. Owner: Jeff Jones, WP Development Company, Inc. Date Filed: February 1, 2017 File Number: PL 17-0032 Project Name, Address and APN: SVSP WB-7A & 78 Lot Line Adjustment, 5050 & 5100 Summerfaire Dr., APN 496-010-008 & 009-000 Request: The applicant requests approval of a lot line adjustment to adjust the boundaries between large lot parcels WB-7A and WB-7B. The lot line adjustment will align the parcel boundaries consistent with the approved small lot modification, File#PL 16-0379. The lot line adjustment will not add additional units to WB-7 or result in a reconfiguration of the subdivision roadways or lotting patterns. Environmental Determination: This project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines per Section 15305 - Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations and per Section 305 of the City of Roseville CEQA Implementing Procedures. For questions or comments: Contact the project planner, Gina McColl at (916) 774-5452 or gmccoll@roseville.ca.us or City of Roseville, DS Planning Division, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville CA 95678 LAST DAY TO REQUEST A PUBLIC HEARING: March 20, 2017 by 5 p.m. Note: If a decision is challenged in court, the challenge may be limited to raising only those issues which were raised at a public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Manager at, or prior to, the public hearing. A public hearing for this application will not be held unless you or another individual requests a public hearing. SVSP WB-7A & 78 Lot Line Adjustment.pdf
Date: March 3, 2017 To: Sierra Vista Neighborhood Association, Drive Thru Recipients & RCONA Board Subject: 5000 Baseline Rd Dear Board Members: You may be interested to know that the Roseville Planning Division has received a development application for the project identified below. Notice will be mailed to property owners adjacent to the project prior to action on the application. We invite you to review this request and to forward your comments and/or questions to us. Key project information relating to this project is provided as follows: File #: PL 17-0056 Project Name: SVSP PCL DF-40, DF-41, DF-42 - BASELINE MARKETPLACE MPP STAGE 1 & 2 EXTENSION Description: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF AN APPROVED MAJOR PROJECT PERMIT (STAGE 1 & 2) THAT PERMITS CONSTRUCTION OF A 745,300 SQ FT. RETAIL CENTER CALLED BASELINE MARKETPLACE (2013PL-020 / MPP-000043) Site Location: 5000 BASELINE RD APN: 498-010-020-000 Specific Plan Area: sv Specific Plan Parcel #: DF-42 Zoning: GC General Plan: cc Applicant: NG ALEXANDER REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT, LLC-ATTN: NICK ALEXANDER-1700 EUREKA RD, STE. 100 - ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 Owner: OF PROPERTIES -ATTIN: JEFF RONTON - 2013 OPPORTUNITY DR., STE. 140 - ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 Other: MACKAY & SOMPS-ATTN: VANCE JONES-1552 EUREKA RD, STE. 100- ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 If you are interested in having this project presented at one of your neighborhood association meetings, please contact the applicant at the phone number provided above or me at 77 4-5276 to discuss such a meeting. Please make requests for presentations at least two weeks prior to your meeting date so that we can assure that a City representative can attend. If possible, please put this item at the start of your agenda, after the minutes and treasurer's report. If you have any questions of comments regarding this project, I can be contacted in the Planning Division at 311 Vernon Street or by phone at 774-5276. Your comments are very important to us as we work together to make Roseville a better community. Sincerely, Ron Miller, Associate Planner rmiller@roseville.ca.us 5000 Baseline Rd.pdf
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on March 23, 2017 at 7 pm, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Planning Commission of the City of Roseville will hold a Public Hearing at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA for the purpose of considering an application for a LARGE LOT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP MODIFICATION AND TREE PERMIT- 5841 HOLT PARKWAY- WEST ROSEVILLE SPECIFIC PLAN (WRSP) FIDDYMENT RANCH PHASES 2 & 3 LARGE LOT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP MODIFICATION - FILE# PL 16-0364. Request: The applicant requests approval of a Large Lot Tentative Subdivision Map (LL TSM) Modification to establish large lot boundaries consistent with approved Small Lot Tentative Subdivision Map (SL TSM) Phasing Exhibits. The modification will not change land use, zoning designations or the total number of approved small lots as identified in the WRSP and approved SLTS Ms. The applicant also requests approval of a Tree Permit for removal of trees associated with a sewer line undercrossing of Pleasant Grove Creek. The proposed tree removals were previously approved in 2004; however, that Tree Permit has expired. Project Title/Name: WRSP - Fiddyment Ranch Phases 2 & 3 LL TSM Modification Project Address: 5841 Holt Parkway Owner: David Ash, ATC Realty One, LLC Applicant: Stephen Hicks, Signature Management Company Current Zoning: RS/OS. R3, CC, PR, P/QP Project Planner: Ron Miller, Associate Planner Environmental Determination: The Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, which exempts projects consistent with a Specific Plan. The project is consistent with the West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) EIR (SCH#2002082057) and the Fiddyment Ranch Specific Plan Amendment 3 Subsequent EIR (SCH#2010082075). Following the Public Hearing, the, Planning Commission may take such action on the project as it deems appropriate. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments prior to and may testify at the Public Hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Project Planner, Planning Division, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. If the matter is continued for any reason to a later date, written comments and public testimony will be accepted until the close of the final Public Hearing. All comments will be considered by the Approving Authority. The Planning Commission's action on the project may be appealed by any interested person to the City Council by filing a written appeal with the applicable fee with the City Clerk within 10 days following the Planning Commission's final action on the project. If the City Council is the final Approving Authority, or if the project is appealed to the Council, the Council's action is final. If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission on this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Division at, or prior to the Public Hearing. Dated: March 6, 2017 Greg Bitter Planning Manager Publish: March 10, 2017 WRSP - Fiddyment Ranch Phases 2 & 3 LL TSM Modification.pdf
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on March 23, 2017 at 7 pm, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Planning Commission of the City of Roseville will hold a Public Hearing at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA for the purpose of considering an application for a DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT - WEST ROSEVILLE SPECIFIC PLAN (WRSP) FIDDYMENT RANCH DA AMENDMENT #7 - 4270 CRAWFORD PW- FILE# PL 16-0442. Request: The applicant requests approval of a Development Agreement Amendment (DM) to modify the sequence of residential lots subject to the Downtown Benefit Fee. The Downtown Benefit Fee will continue to be applicable to the final 1,661 dwelling units within Fiddyment Ranch Phases 2 & 3. This DAA will be the seventh (7th ) amendment to the Fiddyment Land Venture Development Agreement and is necessary due to changes in subdivision construction phasing. Project Title: WRSP Fiddyment Ranch DA Amendment #7 Project Address: 4270 Crawford Parkway Owner: David Ash, ATC Realty One,'LLC. Applicant: Stephen Hicks, Signature Management Company Project Planner: Ron Miller, Associate Planner Environmental Determination: The project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b) (3) (General Rule) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Section 305 of the City of Roseville CEQA Implementing Procedures. Following the Public Hearing, the Planning Commission may take such action on the project as it deems appropriate. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments prior to and may testify at the Public Hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Project Planner, Planning Division, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. If the matter is continued for any reason to a later date, written comments and public testimony will be accepted until the close of the final Public Hearing. All comments will be considered by the Approving Authority. The Planning Commission's action on the project may be appealed by any interested person to the City Council by filing a written appeal with the applicable fee with the City Clerk within 10 days following the Planning Commission's final action on the project. If the City Council is the final Approving Authority, (ii' If the project is appealed to the Council, the Council's action is final. If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission on this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Division at, or prior to the Public Hearing. Dated: March 6, 2017 Greg Bitter Planning Manager Publish: March 10, 2017 WRSP Fiddyment Ranch DA Amendment #7.pdf
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on March 23, 2017 at 7 pm, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Planning Commission of the City of Roseville will hold a Public Hearing at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA for the purpose of considering an application for a LARGE LOT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP MODIFICATION AND TREE PERMIT- 5841 HOLT PARKWAY- WEST ROSEVILLE SPECIFIC PLAN (WRSP) FIDDYMENT RANCH PHASES 2 & 3 LARGE LOT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP MODIFICATION - FILE# PL 16-0364. Request: The applicant requests approval of a Large Lot Tentative Subdivision Map (LL TSM) Modification to establish large lot boundaries consistent with approved Small Lot Tentative Subdivision Map (SL TSM) Phasing Exhibits. The modification will not change land use, zoning designations or the total number of approved small lots as identified in the WRSP and approved SLTS Ms. The applicant also requests approval of a Tree Permit for removal of trees associated with a sewer line undercrossing of Pleasant Grove Creek. The proposed tree removals were previously approved in 2004; however, that Tree Permit has expired. Project Title/Name: WRSP - Fiddyment Ranch Phases 2 & 3 LL TSM Modification Project Address: 5841 Holt Parkway · · Owner: David Ash, ATC Realty One, LLC Applicant: Stephen Hicks, Signature Management Company Current Zoning: RS/DS. R3, CC, PR, P/QP Project Planner: Ron Miller, Associate Planner Environmental Determination: The Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, which exempts projects consistent with a Specific Plan. The project is consistent with the West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) EIR (SCH#2002082057) and the Fiddyment Ranch Specific Plan Amendment 3 Subsequent EIR (SCH#2010082075). Following the Public Hearing, the Planning Commission may take such action on the project as it deems appropriate. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments prior to and may testify at the Public Hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Project Planner, Planning Division, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. If the matter is continued for any reason to a later date, written comments and public testimony will be accepted until the close of the final Public Hearing. All comments will be considered by the Approving Authority. The Planning Commission's action on the project may be appealed by any interested person to the City Council by filing a written appeal with the applicable fee with the City Clerk within 10 days following the Planning Commission'~ final action on the project. If the City Council is the final Approving Authority, or if the project is appealed to the Council, the Council's action is final. If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission on this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or ,someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Division at, or prior to the Public Hearing. Greg Bitter Planning Manager Dated: March 6, 2017 Publish: March 10, 2017 WRSP - Fiddyment Ranch Phases 2 & 3 LL TSM Modification.pdf
Date: March 1, 2017 To: Westpark Neighborhood Association & RCONA Board Subject: 2350 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Dear Board Members: You may be interested to know that the Roseville Planning Division has received a development application for the project identified below. Notice will be mailed to property owners adjacent to the project prior to action on the application. We invite you to review this request and to forward your comments and/or questions to us. Key project information relating to this project is provided as follows: File #: PL 17-0058 Project Name: WRSP PCL W-32, W-33, W-54 -VILLAGE CENTER GPA, SPA, RZ, DM & TENTATIVE MAP Description: REQUEST TO MODIFY THE SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF WRSP PARCELS W-32, W- 33, AND W-54 AND CREATE TWO NEW PARCELS FOR A TOTAL OF FIVE PARCELS; MODIFY THE LAND USE AND ZONING OF EACH PARCEL; AND REVISE THE GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TO REFLECT THE PROPOSED ENTITLEMENTS. Site Location: 2300, 2350 & 2400 PLEASANT GROVE BL APN: 017-153-004-000, 017-153-005, 017-151-020-000 Specific Plan Area: WR Specific Plan Parcel#: W-32, W-54, W-33 Zoning: CC/SA-WR, PR General Plan: CCNC-2.9,PR/VC Applicant: VC ROSEVILLE, LLC - ATTN: JOHN TALLMAN - 1420 ROCKY RIDGE DR., STE. 265 - ROSEVILLE, CA 95661, (916)774-3400 Owner: VC ROSEVILLE, LLC - ATTN: JEFF JONES -1420 ROCKY RIDGE DR., STE. 265 - ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 Developer: MACKAY & SOMPS - ATTN: VANCE JONES - 1552 EUREKA RD., STE. 100 - ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 If you are interested in having this project presented at one of your neighborhood association meetings, please contact the applicant at the phone number provided above or me at 774-5276 to discuss such a meeting. Please make requests for presentations at least two weeks prior to your meeting date so that we can assure that a City representative can attend. If possible, please put this item at the start of your agenda, after the minutes and treasurer's report. If you have any questions or comments regarding this project, I can be contacted in the Planning Division at 311 Vernon Street or by phone at 774-5276. Your comments are very important to us as we work together to make Roseville a better community. Sincerely, Tricia Stewart, Senior Planner tstewart@roseville.ca.us 2350 Pleasant Grove Blvd - Village Center.pdf
Date: February 28, 2017 To: Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association & RCONA Board Subject: 4701 Fiddyment Rd. Dear Board Members: You may be interested to know that the Roseville Planning Division has received a development application for the project identified below. Notice will be mailed to property owners adjacent to the project prior to action on the application. We invite you to review this request and to forward your comments and/or questions to us. Key project information relating to this project is provided as follows: File#: PL 16-0335 Project Name: WRSP PCL F-81 - FIDDYMENT PLAZA Description: REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A COMMERCIAL PLAZA WITH TWO FLOORS, INCLUDING 5 MPD GAS STATION AND MART. Site Location: 4701 FIDDYMENT RD APN: 492-010-031-000 Specific Plan Area: Specific Plan Parcel #: Zoning: CC General Plan: Applicant/Owner: DHILLON & SON ENTERPRISES, INC. - ATIN: SURJIT SINGH - 201 BELLINGHAM CT. - LINCOLN, CA 95648 If you are interested in having this project presented at one of your neighborhood association meetings, please contact the applicant at the phone number provided above or me at 774-5276 to discuss such a meeting. Please make requests for presentations at least two weeks prior to your meeting date so that we can assure that a City representative can attend. If possible, please put this item at the start of your agenda, after the minutes and treasurer's report. If you have any questions of comments regarding this project, I can be contacted in the Planning Division at 311 Vernon Street or by phone at 774-5276. Your comments are very important to us as we work together to make Roseville a better community. Sincerely, Wayne Wiley, Associate Planner wwiley@roseville.ca.us 4701 Fiddyment Rd.pdf
until2017 FFNA Board Meetings FFNA board meetings are open to the public and will be held at (see date for location): Chilton Middle School Library 4501 Bob Doyle Drive -- map Roseville, CA 95747 or St John's Episcopal Church -- map 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (unless a holiday interferes) from 7 to 9 PM. 2017 Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting DatesJanuary 10 - Chilton LibraryFebruary 14 - Chilton LibraryMarch 14 - Chilton LibraryApril 11 - TBAMay 9 - Chilton LibraryJune 13 - Chilton LibraryJuly 11 - TBAAugust 8 - TBASeptember 12 - Chilton LibraryOctober 10 - Chilton Multi-purpose RoomNovember 14 - Chilton LibraryDecember 12 - Chilton Library
Public Safety News & Tips -- Burglarproof your home & IRS scam It’s March and soon spring will be upon us. For many it’s a time for yard clean-up and landscaping. While you are out doing your yard work this spring, keep in mind that what you plant and where you plant things in your yard can impact the safety of your home. (read more below) Burglarproof your home & IRS scam volume 17 issue 03.pdf
Date: FEBRUARY 16, 2017 To: WESTPARK/SIERRA VISTA/WESTBROOK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Subject: 5050 SUMMERFAIRE DR. Dear Board Members: You may be interested to know that the Roseville Planning Division has received a development application for the project identified below. Notice will be mailed to property owners adjacent to the project prior to action on the application. We invite you to review this request and to forward your comments and/or questions to us. Key project information relating to this project is provided as follows: File#: PL 17-0032 Project Name: SVSP PCL WB- 7A & 78 LLA Description: REQUEST TO RECONFIGURE PROPERTY LINES OF WESTBROOK PHASE 1 VILLAGE 7A (LOT 8) AND VILLAGE 78 (LOT 9) TO MATCH THE FINAL MAPS AND AMENDED TENTATIVE MAP. Site Location: 5050 SUMMERFAIRE DR. APN: 496-100-009-000 Specific Plan Area: sv Specific Plan Parcel #: WB-7 Zoning: RS/DS General Plan: LDR-5.3 Applicant: MACKAY & SOMPS INC- ATTN: CRAIG SPIESS- 1552 EUREKA RD., STE. 100- ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 Owner: WP DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC-ATTN: JEFF JONES- 1420 ROCKY RIDGE RD., STE. 265- ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 If you are interested in having this project presented at one of your neighborhood association meetings, please contact the applicant at the phone number provided above or me at 77 4-5276 to discuss such a meeting. Please make requests for presentations at least two weeks prior to your meeting date so that we can assure that a City representative can attend. If possible, please put this item at the start of your agenda, after the minutes and treasurer's report. If you have any questions of comments regarding this project, I can be contacted in the Planning Division at 311 Vernon Street or by phone at 774-5276. Your comments are very important to us as we work together to make Roseville a better community. Sincerely, Gina McColl, Associate Planner gmccoll@roseville.ca.us 5050 SUMMERFAIRE DR.pdf
Date: February 16, 2017 To: Westpark Neighborhood Association, RCONA & RCONA Board Subject: 2200 Sierra Glen Dr. Dear Board Members: You may be interested to know that the Roseville Planning Division has received a development application for the project identified below. Notice will be mailed to property owners adjacent to the project prior to action on the application. We invite you to review this request and to forward your comments and/or questions to us. Key project information relating to this project is provided as follows: File #: PL17-0024 Project Name: SIERRA VISTA/FEDERICO GPA, SPA, RZ, LARGE LOT TENTATIVE MAP AND SMALL LOT TENTATIVE MAP Description: AMEND SIZE, CONFIGURATION, LOCATION, LAND USE, AND ZONING OF SVSP PARCELS FD-3, FD-4, FD-20, FD-22, FD-30, FD-31, FD-50 & FD-60. AMENDMENTS TO THE GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN, LARGE LOT MAP, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TO REFLECT THE PROPOSED ENTITLEMENTS, AND SMALL LOT TENTATIVE MAP FOR PARCELS FD-3, FD-4, FD-20 AND FD-22. Site Location: 2200 SIERRA GLEN DR Specific Plan Area: sv APN: 498-010-002-000 Specific Plan Parcel #: FD-7, FD-6, FD-878, FD-87 A,FD-88A,FD-888, FD-24, FD-84, FD-5, FD-85, FD-86,FD-41, FD-65, FD-33, FD-53,FD-32,FD-23, FD-80, FD-63, FD-2,FD-40,FD-1, FD-20, FD-50, FD-21,FD-82A, FD-82B, FD-81,FD-8B,FD-52,FD-8A, FD-10, FD-9, FD-64, FD-62, FD-61,FD-60, FD-4, FD-51, FD-83, FD-22,FD-30,FD-3,FD-72,FD-31 Zoning: RS/DS,OS,CMU/SA,P/QP,R3,PR,CC General Plan: LDR-4.8,0S,MDR-9,LDR-5,CC-7,P/QP,HDR-20.1,PR,HDR-20,MDR-8.2,CC,MDR-8. 7,MDR-8.4,LDR-4.6,LDR-4.9,HDR-20.8 Applicant: WESTPARK SIERRA VISTA LLC - ATTN: JEFF JONES - 1420 ROCKY RIDGE DR STE 265 - ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 Owner: FEDERICO/TYLER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP -ATIN: LEONARD FEDERICO - 4955 E ANDERSEN #115 - FRESNO, CA 93727 Developer: MACKAY & SOMPS -A TIN: VANCE JONES - 1552 EUREKA RD STE 100 - ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 If you are interested in having this project presented at one of your neighborhood association meetings, please contact the applicant at the phone number provided above or me at 77 4-5276 to discuss such a meeting. Please make requests for presentations at least two weeks prior to your meeting date so that we can assure that a City representative can attend. If possible, please put this item at the start of your agenda, after the minutes and treasurer's report. If you have any questions of comments regarding this project, I can be contacted in the Planning Division at 311 Vernon Street or by phone at 774-5276. Your comments are very important to us as we work together to make Roseville a better community. Gina McColl, Associate Planner gmccoll@roseville.ca.us 2200 Sierra Glen Dr.pdf
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on March 9, 2017 at 7 pm, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Planning Commission of the City of Roseville will hold a Public Hearing at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA for the purpose of considering an application for a TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP MODIFICATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT - 1901 WESTBROOK BLVD - SVSP PCL WB-4-SOLAIRE DRIVE TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP MODIFICATION- FILE# PL 16-0410. Request: The applicant requests approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map Modification to adjust the lot widths for the approved lots and an Administrative Permit for a Unit Transfer, as the map modifications will result in an additional 11 lots. The project would transfer 2 units from Parcel WB-20, 2 units from Parcel WB-21, and 7 units from Parcel WB-22 into project Parcel WB-4. Project Title/Name: SVSP PCL WB-4-Solaire Drive Tentative Subdivision Map Modification Project Address: 1901 Westbrook Boulevard Owner: Jeff Jones, Westpark S.V. 400, LLC Applicant: Ryan O'Keefe, Westpark S.V. 400, LLC Current Zoning: RS/OS Project Planner: Lauren Hocker, Associate Planner Environmental Determination: The Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, which exempts projects consistent with a Specific Plan. The project is consistent with the Addendum to the Westbrook Specific Plan Amendment to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH # 2008032115 ). Following the Public Hearing, the Planning Commission may take such action on the project as it deems appropriate. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments prior to and may testify at the Public Hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Project Planner, Planning Division, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. If the matter is continued for any reason to a later date, written comments and public testimony will be accepted until the close of the final Public Hearing. All comments will be considered by the Approving Authority. The Planning Commission's action on the project may be appealed by any interested person to the City Council by filing a written appeal with the applicable fee with the City Clerk within 10 days following the Planning Commission's final action on the project. If the City Council is the final Approving Authority, or if the project is appealed to the Council, the Council's action is final. If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission on this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Division at, or prior to the Public Hearing. Dated: February 15, 2017 Greg Bitter Planning Manager Publish: February 24, 2017 1901 Westbrook Boulevard.pdf
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on March 9, 2017 at 7 pm, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Planning Commission of the City of Roseville will hold a Public Hearing at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA for the purpose of considering an application for a TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP MODIFICATION & ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT- 5050 & 5100 SUMMERFAIRE DR - SVSP PCL WB-7- FILE# PL 16-0379. Request: The applicant requests approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map Modification to adjust the lot widths (previously approved with File# PL 13-0318) to accommodate 11 additional lots within parcel WB-7. An Administrative Permit is also requested to allow the transfer of five residential units from parcel WB-20 and six residential units from parcel WB-21 into WB-7. Project Title/File: SVSP PCL WB-7 Map Modification & Unit Transfer; PL 16-0379 Project Address: 5050 & 5100 Summerfaire Dr Owner/Applicant: Ryan O'Keefe, WP Development Company, LLC Project Planner: Gina McColl, Associate Planner Environmental Determination: Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, which exempts projects consistent with a Specific Plan. The project is consistent with the Sierra Vista Specific Plan (SCH#2008032115) and the Westbrook Specific Plan Amendment Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration. Following the Public Hearing, the Planning Commission may take such action on the project as it deems appropriate. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments prior to and may testify at the Public Hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Project Planner, Planning Division, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. If the matter is continued for any reason to a later date, written comments and public testimony will be accepted until the close of the final Public Hearing. All comments will be considered by the Approving Authority. The Planning Commission's action on the project may be appealed by any interested person to the City Council by filing a written appeal with the applicable fee with the City Clerk within 10 days following the Planning Commission's final action on the project. If the City Council is the final Approving Authority, or if the project is appealed to the Council, the Council's action is final. If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission on this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Division at, or prior to the Public Hearing. Dated: February 16, 2017 Greg Bitter Planning Manager Publish: February 24, 2017 5050 & 5100 Summerfaire Dr.pdf
For the original Village Center plan go to the City website and download the PDF titled Village Center Plan. http://www.roseville.ca.us/gov/development_services/_planning/specific_plans_n_planning_areas/west_roseville_specific_plan.asp
There is a gas station going in at Fiddyment and Angus.
untilVillage Center Concept Meeting Westpark Communities purchased the property from Pulte late last year and have been working recently with the sub-committee to present a project that will benefit the community here. Please join us for a presentation, questions, and discussion Tuesday , February 21st at 7 pm -- St. John's Church (in the church proper) 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd.
Two Roseville City School District (RCSD) administrators were publicly recognized for their excellence in leadership and educational innovation earlier this week. Derk Garcia was named Superintendent of the Year in Placer County. In his third year on the job, Garcia has received high praise as a leader, manager and advocate for more than 10,000 students and 1,000 staff members. “Derk exemplifies the honor bestowed upon him,” says Peter Towne, Placer County Charter President of the Association of California School Administrators. Garcia has implemented programs such as district wide music education and transitional kindergarten at nearly every campus, all while managing new school construction and student growth. Chilton Middle School Principal Jeff Ancker was named Middle Grades Principal of the Year in Placer County. Ancker was acknowledged for his leadership skills, which have enabled Chilton students to engage in programs such as AVID, Project Lead the Way and a model WEB program. “Jeff has created a student-centered vision which combines a sense of belonging with high expectations,” says Amy Banks, director of education services for RCSD. Ancker and his staff have led Chilton to higher test scores and increased student achievement. About Roseville City School District: The Roseville City School District (RCSD) serves more than 10,000 preschool through eighth grade students in 18 unique schools. Offering specialized programs such as International Baccalaureate (IB), GATE, AVID, Career Technical Education (CTE) courses, art and music education, the District focuses on maximizing student achievement while exceeding parents' expectations. Learn more at rcsdk8.org .
Public Safety News & Tips -- ID Theft & Top scams 2016 You’ve probably heard the news story of a data breach where clients’ Social Security numbers and other personal information were hacked by criminals. Perhaps you have even received a letter from your insurance company or financial institution letting you know that your personal information was comprised. If so, you could be the victim of identity theft. (read more below) ID Theft & Top scams 2016 vol17issue02.pdf
Date: January 20, 2017 To: Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association & RCONA Board Subject: 4270 Crawford Pkwy. Dear Board Members: You may be interested to know that the Roseville Planning Division has received a development application for the project identified below. Notice will be mailed to property owners adjacent to the project prior to action on the application. We invite you to review this request and to forward your comments and/or questions to us. Key project information relating to this project is provided as follows: File #: PL16-0442 Project Name: WRSP FIDDYMENT RANCH DA AMENDMENT #6 Description: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT '116 TO MODIFY THE DESCRIPTION OF THE RESIDENTIAL LOTS SUBJECT TO THE DOWNTOWN BENEFIT DISTRICT FEE. Site Location: 4270 CRAWFORD PW APN: 492-010-057-000 Specific Plan Area: WR Specific Plan Parcel#: F-97,F-9C,F-92A,F-8C,F-90B,F-8D,F-8B,F-8A,F-9D,F-95,F-51,F-71,F-90C,F-7B,F-11 B,F-11A,F-93A,F-12,F-9B,F-90A,F-7A,F-91A,F-93B,F-94,F-101,F-10A,F-13B,F-13A,F-80,F-6B,F-6D,F-6A,F-10B,F-10C,F-85,F-6C,F-91B,F-91C Zoning: RS/DS,OS,R3,PR,P/QP,CC General Plan: LDR,LDR-4.6,0S,LDR-5.5,LDR-3.5,MDR-11.3,HDR-25,LDR-3.1,PR,P/QP,LDR-5.7,MDR-8. 7,LDR-5.4,LDR-4.7,LDR-4.5,LDR-6.3,LDR-4.1,LDR-5,LDR-4.2,CC,LDR-5.2,LDR-4,MDR-11.5 Applicant: SIGNATURE MANAGEMENT COMPANY -ATTN: STEPHEN HICKS - 4670 WILLOW RD - PLEASANTON, CA 94588 Owner: ATC REALTY ONE, LLC -ATTN: DAVID ASH - 333 MARKET ST, 3Ro FL - SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 If you are interested in having this project presented at one of your neighborhood association meetings, please contact the applicant at the phone number provided above or me at 77 4-5276 to discuss such a meeting. Please make requests for presentations at least two weeks prior to your meeting date so that we can assure that a City representative can attend. If possible, please put this item at the start of your agenda, after the minutes and treasurer's report. If you have any questions of comments regarding this project, I can be contacted in the Planning Division at 311 Vernon Street or by phone at 774-5276. Your comments are very important to us as we work together to make Roseville a better community. Sincerely, Ron Miller, Associate Planner rmiller@roseville.ca.us 4270 Crawford Pkwy.pdf
Date: January 19, 2017 To: Fiddyment Farms Neighborhood Association & RCONA Board Subject: 1900 Blue Oaks Blvd. Dear Board Members: You may be interested to know that the Roseville Planning Division has received a development application for the project identified below. Notice will be mailed to property owners adjacent to the project prior to action on the application. We invite you to review this request and to forward your comments and/or questions to us. Key project information relating to this project is provided as follows: File #: PL16-0380 Project Name: WRSP PCL F-24 - FIDDYMENT RANCH APARTMENTS - ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATION Description: REQUEST TO MODIFY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE APPROVED DRP #PL14- 0504. Site Location: 1900 BLUE OAKS BL APN: 017-117-087-000 Specific Plan Area: WR Specific Plan Parcel #: F-24 Zoning: R3 General Plan: HDR-25 Applicant/Owner: CENTRAL VALLEY PROPERTY ADVISORS, LLC -ATIN: MATI ARNAIZ - 3400 E. EIGHT MILE RD - STOCKTON, CA 95212 Developer: PHILLIPS LAND LAW, INC -ATIN: KRIS STEWARD - 5301 MONTSERRAT LN - LOOMIS, CA 95650 If you are interested in having this project presented at one of your neighborhood association meetings, please contact the applicant at the phone number provided above or me at 774-5276 to discuss such a meeting. Please make requests for presentations at least two weeks prior to your meeting date so that we can assure that a City representative can attend. If possible, please put this item at the start of your agenda, after the minutes and treasurer's report. If you have any questions of comments regarding this project, I can be contacted in the Planning Division at 311 Vernon Street or by phone at 774-5276. Your comments are very important to us as we work together to make Roseville a better community. Sincerely, Lauren Hocker, Associate Planner lhocker@roseville.ca.us 1900 Blue Oaks Blvd.pdf
Date: January 18, 2017 To: WestPark Neighborhood Association and RCONA Board Subject: 4351 Westpark Drive Dear Board Members: You may be interested to know that the Roseville Planning Division has received a development application for the project identified below. Notice will be mailed to property owners adjacent to the project prior to action on the application. We invite you to review this request and to forward your comments and/or questions to us. Key project information relating to this project is provided as follows: File #: PL16-0391 Project Name: WRSP PCL W-61 B - WESTPARK STORAGE Description: REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A NEW INDOOR AND OUTDOOR 1,021,925 SF SELF STORAGE FACILITY WITH 1800 SF OFFICE/MANAGER BUILDING IN TWO PHASES. Site Location: 4351 WESTPARK DR APN: 496-030-010-000 Specific Plan Area: WR Specific Plan Parcel #: W-61 B Zoning: M2/SA General Plan: IND Applicant: DOMUM -ATTN: TIMOTHY ALATORRE - 6532 LONETREE BL, ST 102 - ROCKLIN, CA 95765 Owner: WESTPARK ROSEVILLE, LLC -ATTN: JEFF JONES -1420 ROCKY RIDGE DR, ST 265 - ROSEVILLE, CA 95747 Developer: WESTPARK STORAGE, LLC - ATTN: RON SMITH - 5701 LONETREE BL, ST 102 - ROCKLIN, CA 95765 If you are interested in having this project presented at one of your neighborhood association meetings, please contact the applicant at the phone number provided above or me at 774-5276 to discuss such a meeting. Please make requests for presentations at least two weeks prior to your meeting date so that we can assure that a City representative can attend. If possible, please put this item at the start of your agenda, after the minutes and treasurer's report. If you have any questions of comments regarding this project, I can be contacted in the Planning Division at 311 Vernon Street or by phone at 774-5276. Your comments are very important to us as we work together to make Roseville a better community. Sincerely, Wayne Wiley, Associate Planner wwiley@roseville.ca.us 4351 Westpark Drive.pdf
NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION for the PGWWTP Expansion and Energy Recovery Project - City of Roseville Public Notice is hereby given that an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) (Environmental Report) is available for public review for the Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant (PGWWTP) Expansion and Energy Recovery Project. The IS/MND has · been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA ) and Environmental Review Process Guidelines for State Revolving Fund Loan Applicants (SWRCB 2015, as updated in 2016) and is expanded beyond the typical content requirements of an initial study to include additional " CEQA-Plus" information. Project Location: Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant and Southern Expansion Parcel located at 5150 Westpark Drive, Roseville, CA. Project Description: An IS/MND has been prepared by the City of Roseville (City) to evaluate the environmental effects of the PGWWTP Expansion and Energy Recovery Project. The existing PGWWTP was designed to treat 12 million gallons per day (mgd); however, due to higher than anticipated organic loading, the PGWWTP's effective treatment capacity is approximately 9.5 mgd. The Expansion Project would expand and increase treatment capacity of the existing PGWWTP to its original 12 mgd design capacity. The City is also considering the related but separate construction of new energy recovery facilities (Energy Recovery Project) that would beneficially utilize the digester gas produced by anaerobic digestion that is included in the Expansion Project. These projects combined represents the proposed project (Project). The Expansion Project can proceed without the Energy Recovery Project. Document Review and Availability: In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15105, the public review and comment period will extend for 38 days starting December 19, 2016 and ending January 25, 2017 at 5:00p.m. Although not required, this includes an additional eight days in recognition that the public review period extends over the holidays. The IS/MND is available for public review at the following location: City of Roseville Permit Center 311 Vernon Street Roseville, CA 95678 (8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m Monday through Friday) The IS/MND can also available be viewed or downloaded from the City's website via the following link:http://www.roseville.ca.us/gov/development_services/planning/environmental_documents_n_public_notices.asp. Comments/Questions: Comments and/or questions regarding the IS/MND may be directed to: Mark Morse, Environmental Coordinator at the above address or via email to mmorse@roseville.ca.us. Public Meetings: The Project and IS/MND are tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Roseville Public Utilities Commission on February 28, 2017 and by the Roseville City Council on April 5, 2017. Roseville Public Utility Meetings and City Council Meetings begin at 7:00p.m. in the Roseville City Council Chambers, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. Interested parties should call the Roseville City Clerk's Office to confirm meeting agendas, times and dates (916) 774-5263. PGWWTP Expansion and Energy Recovery Project.pdf PGWWTP Public Review Draft IS-MND_Dec 2016.pdf
until2017 FFNA Board Meetings FFNA board meetings are open to the public and will be held at (see date for location): Chilton Middle School Library 4501 Bob Doyle Drive -- map Roseville, CA 95747 or St John's Episcopal Church -- map 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (unless a holiday interferes) from 7 to 9 PM. 2017 Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting DatesJanuary 10 - Chilton LibraryFebruary 14 - Chilton LibraryMarch 14 - Chilton LibraryApril 11 - TBAMay 9 - Chilton LibraryJune 13 - Chilton LibraryJuly 11 - TBAAugust 8 - TBASeptember 12 - Chilton LibraryOctober 10 - Chilton Multi-purpose RoomNovember 14 - Chilton LibraryDecember 12 - Chilton Library
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The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations. We are here to:
- Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
- Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
- Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
- Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.