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  1. The Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department will be holding a public workshop to begin the planning and design of the future park off Symphony Ave, north of Pleasant Grove Blvd, in West Roseville. The discussion will be focused on the future plans of the park and to gather input from the community. The public is welcome to attend and comment. Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 6:30 pm Junction Elementary School, Multi-Use Room 2150 Ellison Dr, Roseville CA 95747 roseville.ca.us · (916) 772-PLAY Public Workshop_W51_12.05.17.revised.pdf
  2. Beware of package thieves Online shopping has grown over the past few years and this holiday season will be no exception. With the convenience of home delivery, more and more consumers are shopping online for everything. While it is easy to get caught up in the fun of it all, it is important to remember that with increased purchasing comes the heightened risk of theft. Thieves will be on the prowl throughout the holiday. Package thefts from door stoops and front porches during the day usually increase between the months of October and January. (read more below) Shopping Safety & holiday scams Vol 17 issue 11.pdf
  3. until
    2017 FFNA Board Meetings FFNA board meetings are open to the public and will be held at (see date for location): Chilton Middle School Library 4501 Bob Doyle Drive -- map Roseville, CA 95747 or St John's Episcopal Church -- map 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (unless a holiday interferes) from 7 to 9 PM. 2017 Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting DatesJanuary 10 - Chilton LibraryFebruary 14 - Chilton LibraryMarch 14 - Chilton LibraryApril 11 - TBAMay 9 - Chilton LibraryJune 13 - Chilton LibraryJuly 11 - St John's Episcopal ChurchAugust 8 - St John's Episcopal ChurchSeptember 12 - Chilton LibraryOctober 10 - Chilton Multi-purpose RoomNovember 14 - Chilton LibraryDecember 12 - Chilton Library
  4. Elizabeth Jane Fiddyment Park Dedication Saturday, October 21, 2017 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 1200 Makeway St. (off Fiddyment Rd/Crawford PW)
  5. until
    The Western Placer Waste Management Authority (WPWMA) invites you to a community meeting on Tuesday, October 17th to discuss odors and other operational issues of importance to local residents. The meeting will take place at 6:00 PM at the WPWMA’s offices at 3033 Fiddyment Road, near the corner of Athens Avenue in Roseville. The WPWMA is a joint powers authority comprised of Placer County and the cities of Lincoln, Rocklin and Roseville. The WPWMA owns and operates the landfill, materials recovery facility, and green waste composting facility in south Placer County. Over the past six years, the WPWMA has conducted community meetings to engage residents in a dialogue regarding the WPWMA’s ongoing efforts to better identify and reduce facility odors. We hope to see you here! Please visit our website or click here to RSVP. In the event that anticipated meeting attendance exceeds conference room capacity, a second meeting will be held Wednesday, October 18th. Sincerely, Stephanie Ulmer | Environmental Resources Specialist Western Placer Waste Management Authority (916) 543-3985 Direct | (916) 543-3990 Fax www.WPWMA.com | www.OneBigBin.com
  6. until
    The Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department will be holding a public workshop to begin the planning and design of the future park adjacent to open space off Old Coach near Angus Rd in West Roseville. The discussion will be focused on the future plans of the park and to gather input from the community. The public is welcome to attend and comment. Monday, October 23rd, 2017 at 6:30pm Fiddyment Farm Elementary, Multi-Use Room 4001 Brick Mason Cir, Roseville CA 95747 roseville.ca.us · (916) 772-PLAY Public Workshop_F52_10.23.17.pdf
  7. until
    Due to the passage of Measure D last fall the Roseville Joint Union High School District is moving forward with the 6th High School. Building plans were submitted to the California Department of State Architecture this past spring, once approved, they will begin construction of the school in Spring 2018. The high school will open in the fall of 2020 with freshmen and sophomores. The Roseville Joint Union High School District will hold a new high school informational meeting in the Chilton Middle School multi-purpose room on Tuesday, October 17th at 6 PM. Here is the link to the community input survey for name, colors, and mascot. http://bit.ly/highschool6
  8. until
    The Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department is holding a public workshop to begin the planning and design of two future park projects in West Roseville: F-54 park site is on the corner of Fiddyment Road and Blue Oaks Blvd; Village Center is off Pleasant Grove Blvd between Village Center Dr. and Village Plaza Dr. The discussion will be focused on the future plans of these park sites and to gather input from the community. The public is welcome to attend and comment. Monday, October 16th, 2017 at 6:30pm Junction Elementary, Multi-Use Room 2150 Ellison Dr., Roseville CA 95747 roseville.ca.us · (916) 772-PLAY yourlandscape@roseville.ca.us Public Workshop_1_F54_Village Center_10.16.17.pdf
  9. Date: October 6, 2017 To: Fiddyment Farms NA & RCONA Subject: 2050 Blue Oaks Blvd. Dear Board Members: You may be interested to know that the Roseville Planning Division has received a development application for the project identified below. Notice will be mailed to property owners adjacent to the project prior to action on the application. We invite you to review this request and to forward your comments and/or questions to us. Key project information relating to this project is provided as follows: File #: PL17-0275 Project Name: WRSP PCL F-35 - SUTTER HEALTH PARKING REDUCTION Description: REQUEST FOR A NINE (9) SPACE PARKING REDUCTION FOR AN EXISTING MEDICAL OFFICE USE TYPE TO ACCOMMODATE NEW AMBULATORY OUTPATIENT SERVICES. Site Location: 2050 BLUE OAKS BL APN: 017-101-037-000 Specific Plan Area: WR Specific Plan Parcel #: F-35 Zoning: CC General Plan: CC Applicant: SUTTER HEALTH – ATTN: ROBERT O’HARE – 4 MEDICAL PLAZA C/O MASTER PLAN 2016 PROJ TRAILERS – ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 Owner: AGREE ROSEVILLE CA, LLC – ATTN: LAITH HERMIZ – 70 E LONG LAKE – BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI 48304 If you are interested in having this project presented at one of your neighborhood association meetings, please contact the applicant at the phone number provided above or me at 774-5276 to discuss such a meeting. Please make requests for presentations at least two weeks prior to your meeting date so that we can assure that a City representative can attend. If possible, please put this item at the start of your agenda, after the minutes and treasurer’s report. If you have any questions of comments regarding this project, I can be contacted in the Planning Division at 311 Vernon Street or by phone at 774-5276. Your comments are very important to us as we work together to make Roseville a better community. Sincerely, Kinarik Shallow, Assistant Planner KShallow@roseville.ca.us PL17-0275.pdf
  10. Due to the passage of Measure D last fall the Roseville Joint Union High School District is moving forward with the 6th High School. Building plans were submitted to the California Department of State Architecture this past spring, once approved, they will begin construction of the school in Spring 2018. The high school will open in the fall of 2020 with freshmen and sophomores. The Roseville Joint Union High School District will hold a new high school informational meeting in the Chilton Middle School multi-purpose room on Tuesday, October 17th at 6 PM. Here is the link to the community input survey for name, colors, and mascot. http://bit.ly/highschool6
  11. The Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department will be holding a public workshop to begin the planning and design of the future park adjacent to open space off Old Coach near Angus Rd in West Roseville. The discussion will be focused on the future plans of the park and to gather input from the community. The public is welcome to attend and comment. Monday, October 23rd, 2017 at 6:30pm Fiddyment Farm Elementary, Multi-Use Room 4001 Brick Mason Cir, Roseville CA 95747 roseville.ca.us · (916) 772-PLAY Public Workshop_F52_10.23.17.pdf
  12. The Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department is holding a public workshop to begin the planning and design of two future park projects in West Roseville: F-54 park site is on the corner of Fiddyment Road and Blue Oaks Blvd; Village Center is off Pleasant Grove Blvd between Village Center Dr. and Village Plaza Dr. The discussion will be focused on the future plans of these park sites and to gather input from the community. The public is welcome to attend and comment. Monday, October 16th, 2017 at 6:30pm Junction Elementary, Multi-Use Room 2150 Ellison Dr., Roseville CA 95747 roseville.ca.us · (916) 772-PLAY yourlandscape@roseville.ca.us Public Workshop_1_F54_Village Center_10.16.17.pdf
  13. Public Safety News & Tips -- Halloween safety & data breach info Safety tips for drivers Kids love Halloween. Is there anything more fun for a child than to dress up in their favorite Halloween costume and stay up past their normal bedtime? With so many trick-or-treaters out at night, the potential for automobile-related accidents with young pedestrians increases four times on this night according to a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study. (read more below) Halloween safety & data breach info Vol 17 issue 10.pdf
  14. Elizabeth Jane Fiddyment Park Park location: 1200 Makeway St. Roseville Take the Customer Satisfaction Survey... https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ElizabethJaneFiddymentPark
  15. until
    Our annual election will take place at the general membership meeting on Tuesday, October 10th at Chilton Middle School - Multi-purpose Room at 7 pm. Guest Speaker - Jack Duran - Placer County Supervisor District 1 Supervisor Duran will speak to the two universities and housing plans in the county areas just beyond our neighborhoods. As well, he will answer questions and concerns for our district.
  16. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that on October 4, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the City Council of the City of Roseville will hold a Public Hearing at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA for the purpose of considering an appeal to the application for a DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT - FIDDYMENT PLAZA - 4701 FIDDYMENT ROAD- FILE# PL 16-0335. Request: The applicant requests approval of a Design Review Permit to construct a 10,306 square-foot commercial building, a ten pump gas station, and associated site improvements including parking, lighting and landscaping. Project Title/Name: WRSP PCL F-81, Fiddyment Plaza Project Address: 4701 Fiddyment Road Applicant/Owner: Surjit Singh, Dhillon & Son Enterprises, Inc. Current Zoning: Community Commercial (CC) Project Planner: Wayne Wiley, Associate Planner Environmental Determination: The project is categorically exempt from the environmental review requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15332 pertaining to Infill development projects and pursuant to Section 305 of the City of Roseville CEQA Implementing Procedures. This item is before the City Council as an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision on August 10, 2017 to approve the project. Following the Public Hearing, the City Council may take such action on the project as it deems appropriate. City Council action is final. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments prior to and may testify at the Public Hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the City Clerk, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. If the matter is continued for any reason to a later date, written comments and public testimony will be accepted until the close of the final Public Hearing. All comments will be considered by the Approving Authority. If you challenge the decision in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to the Public Hearing. ROSEVILLE CITY COUNCIL Sonia Orozco, CMC City Clerk Dated: September 14, 2017 Publish: September 21, 2017 WRSP PCL F-81, Fiddyment Plaza.pdf
  17. Public Safety News & Tips -- Bike safety & Cybercrime School is now back in session and that means you may see more young people out on their bicycles going to and from school. Motorist should take extra care when driving near schools especially right before and after the school day. (read more below) Bike safety & Cybercrime Vol 17 issue 09.pdf
  18. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on September 14, 2017 at 7 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Planning Commission of the City of Roseville will hold a Public Hearing at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA for the purpose of considering an application for the below project. Request: The applicant requests approval of a Design Review Permit to develop an Oakmont Senior Living Facility (Community Care Facility). The proposal includes a two-story 88,446 square foot facility on Parcel W-32 in the West Roseville Specific Plan. The facility would include 87 units (60 assisted living units and 27 memory care units) and includes parking, lighting and landscaping. Project Title; File Number: WRSP Parcels W-32 – Oakmont of Roseville II; PL17-0124 Project Address: 2400 Pleasant Grove Boulevard Owner: Jeff Jones, VC Roseville, LLC. Applicant: Ken Kidd, Oakmont Senior Living Project Planner: Tricia Stewart, Senior Planner Environmental Determination: Consistent with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15164, regarding a previously certified and adopted Environmental Impact Report (EIR), an Addendum to the WRSP EIR (SCH #2002082057, certified January 9, 2004) has been prepared to cover the minor technical changes and additions necessary to describe the proposed project. Interested persons are invited to contact the Project Planner with questions and/or comments prior to the Public Hearing by phone at (916) 774-5258, e-mail at tstewart@roseville.ca.us, or in writing to Tricia Stewart, Planning Division, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678, and are also invited to testify at the Public Hearing. If the matter is continued to a later date, comments and public testimony will be accepted until the close of the final Public Hearing. All comments will be considered by the Approving Authority. Following the Public Hearing, the Planning Commission may take such action on the project as it deems appropriate. The Planning Commission’s action on the project may be appealed by any interested person to the City Council by filing a written appeal with the applicable fee with the City Clerk within 10 days following the Planning Commission’s final action on the project. If the City Council is the final Approving Authority, or if the project is appealed to the Council, the Council’s action is final. If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission on this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Division at, or prior to the Public Hearing. Kathy Pease, Planning Manager Dated: August 25, 2017 Publish: August 31, 2017 PL17-0124 Oakmont Legal newspaper.pdf
  19. until
    2017 FFNA Board Meetings FFNA board meetings are open to the public and will be held at (see date for location): Chilton Middle School Library 4501 Bob Doyle Drive -- map Roseville, CA 95747 or St John's Episcopal Church -- map 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (unless a holiday interferes) from 7 to 9 PM. 2017 Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting DatesJanuary 10 - Chilton LibraryFebruary 14 - Chilton LibraryMarch 14 - Chilton LibraryApril 11 - TBAMay 9 - Chilton LibraryJune 13 - Chilton LibraryJuly 11 - St John's Episcopal ChurchAugust 8 - St John's Episcopal ChurchSeptember 12 - Chilton LibraryOctober 10 - Chilton Multi-purpose RoomNovember 14 - Chilton LibraryDecember 12 - Chilton Library
  20. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that on September 6, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the City Council of the City of Roseville will hold a Public Hearing at the City Council Chambers located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA for the purpose of considering an application for a REZONE. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT.--SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT. AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT - 2300. 2350, & 2400 PLEASANT GROVE BL. - VILLAGE CENTER PROJECT - FILE# PL 17-0058. Request: The applicant requests approval of a Rezone, General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Development Agreement Amendment to allow for a reconfiguration of parcels and changes in land use and zoning for the West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) Village Center Parcels W-32, W-33 and W-54. Resulting zoning and land use would include commercial, parks, and medium density residential uses. Project Title; File Number: WRSP Parcels W-32, W-33 & W-54 Village Center Rezone, General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Development Agreement Amendment (Village Center Project); PL 17-0058 Project Address: 2300, 2350 & 2400 Pleasant Grove Boulevard Owner: Jeff Jones, VC Roseville, LLC. Applicant: John Tallman, VC Roseville, LLC. Project Planner: Tricia Stewart, Senior Planner ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Consistent with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15164, regarding a previously certified and adopted Environmental Impact Report (EIR), an Addendum to the WRSP EIR (SCH #2002082057, certified January 9, 2004) has been prepared to cover the minor technical changes and additions necessary to describe the proposed project. If you challenge the decision in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to the Public Hearing. ROSEVILLE CITY COUNCIL Sonia Orozco, CMC City Clerk Dated: August 18, 2017 Publish: August 24, 2017 WRSP Parcels W-32, W-33 & W-54 Village Center Rezone.pdf
  21. The next step of the master planning process is the two week write-in period. We have posted the latest version of the master plan based on the last public workshop and follow up meetings with key stakeholders. Please see the attached final concept plan. The write-in period begins August 21st and ends September 1st. Please provide your feedback via yourlandscape@roseville.ca.us . It is important that you send either your support and/or your comments so that we can determine readiness to move forward to the Parks & Recreation Commission for approval, targeted for an October meeting. The Parks & Recreation Commission is the first step of the master plan approval process. Thank you in advance for your participation. We look forward to hearing from you. Sandra Granada Parks, Recreation & Libraries Technician Parks, Recreation & Libraries (916) 774-5246 316 Vernon Street, Suite 400 | Roseville, CA | 95678 Download the PDF here: 17021_ConceptPlan_write-in.pdf
  22. The Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 24, 2017 is CANCELLED. The next Planning Commission Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 14, 2017. Agendas are available at www.roseville.ca.us Dated: August 17, 2017 Lupe Nelson Recording Secretary
  23. Placer County is the lead agency for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Placer County Sports and Event Center Project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Section 15082. The purpose of the Notice of Preparation (NOP) is to provide responsible agencies and interested persons with sufficient information in order to enable them to make meaningful comments regarding the scope of the EIR analysis. For your convenience, here is a copy of the complete NOP . Also please note that in addition to the opportunity to submit written comments, an NOP scoping meeting will be held to inform interested parties about the proposed project and to give responsible and trustee agencies and the public an opportunity to provide comments on the scope of the EIR. The NOP scoping meeting will be held at the Martha Riley Community Library, 1501 Pleasant Grove Boulevard, Roseville, CA 95747. The meeting will take place on August 29, 2017, between 7-9 PM. http://www.placer.ca.gov/ppcsec
  24. until
    August 26th - Mel Hamel Park -- Beauty and the Beast Join us Saturday, August 26th for our sixth 2017 Movie In The Park August 26th - Mel Hamel Park -- Beauty and the Beast Enjoy an evening in the park with friends and neighbors. Movies begin at sundown on a 30 ft. screen (weather permitting – check rcona.org). Win the evening’s movie – Raffle tickets $1 or 6 for $5 (drawing just before the movie starts). Come for dinner at 7:30 pm with your lawn chairs and blankets. Food, beverages and other refreshments available for purchase. Closed captioning available on request. Sorry - No Dogs are allowed in the Parks. The full summer 2017 Movie In The Park schedule can be found here Directions: Mel Hamel Park 10080 Crocker Ranch Road Google Map The Beauty and the Beast Official Movie Trailer Running time: about 129 minutes
  25. Public Safety News & Tips -- Back to School & Robocalls It’s August and that means schools throughout Roseville have (or soon will) start the new school year. According to AAA every fall over 55 million children across the U.S. head back to school. It is especially important for drivers to be extra vigilant for pedestrians before and after school hours. Over the last decade, nearly one in four child pedestrian fatalities occurred between 3pm and 7pm. (read more below) Back to School & Robocalls Vol 17 issue 08.pdf

About Us

The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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