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Don't Call 9-1-1 If You See Illegal Fireworks Unless There is a Fire

If you see illegal fireworks being set off, don't call 9-1-1.

Instead, call the non-emergency line (916-774-5000 ) unless there is an actual fire or medical emergency. Their 9-1-1 response is hurt by the overwhelming number of fireworks reports. You can also Report illegal fireworks through the myRSVL app on your phone or at by submitting a service request.

This does beg the question: What is illegal?

  •  Aerial fireworks are always illegal since they can create flying embers. Similarly those that dart across the ground or explode are considered illegal in California.
  • Anything not of the "Safe and Sane" variety sold by various non-profit-staffed fireworks stands between June 28th -July 4th. You can tell if they are legal by the label. If the California State Fire Marshal's seal is not on the packaging, it's illegal.
  • Any fireworks set off outside the June 28-July 4th period.


Roseville has recently changed its municipal code to increase the legal and financial penalties for illegal fireworks.

  • Each individual illegal firework counts as a separate offense.
  • First offense: $750 fine, Each subsequent offense: $1,000 fine. Example: If you are caught with 3 illegal fireworks in your possession, the fine would be $2,750!
  • Possession of illegal fireworks can now be cited as a criminal misdemeanor, not just an infraction.
  • Individuals responsible for illegal fireworks can be charged the actual costs of emergency responses, in addition to fines, which typically run thousands of dollars.
  • Penalties are now in place for owners, renters, and anyone hosting a gathering who knowingly allows the use or storage of illegal fireworks on their property.

For more on City fireworks information, go to

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The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
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