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Schools Committee Meeting Summary for August 16,2016

Schools Committee Meeting Summary
August 16,2016 7:00-8:30

1)    Introductions: The attendees introduced themselves.

2)   Updates for Measure D: Ron Severson and Shannon Blockton were present. Ron explained that the Bond initiative is officially Measure D and will be on the bottom of our ballots in November.  He explained the various projects that would be completed for all the high schools, one of which is 103 years old.  (Roseville High School.)  He said they need a projected $250,000.00 for the campaign; they now have $50, 000.00.  He said he will be meeting with local developers soon to see if they will contribute. He added that the District accelerates Bonds when rates go down. He said he talked about the Measure to families at the Neighborhood Night Out at Festerson.  If the Measure passes, it will take the plans from December 2016 to January 2018 to pass through the State approval process.  Groundbreaking would be 2018, with the first Phase built in time for the 2020 school term. After the Measure passes, a committee will pick a school name, mascot and colors. He was asked if students could go to Woodcreek instead of Oakmont.  Ron responded that no more trailers can be added to that campus. Measure D flyer and envelopes for contributions were distributed.  He said signs are a specific way to promote passage of Measure D. One of the neighbors brought up the busing schedule for Oakmont, saying his daughter gets up very early to catch the bus.  Shannon B. said she would send him information/links for the schedules.  Ron said he believes all the routes have been worked out well.

3)    Elementary School Updates: Inroads are being made at Junction Elementary.  Curtis is on the site committee and was invited to have a booth at the PTO sponsored Popsicle Party on August 25, 2016.  He is proposing getting Tshirts with a message about the future sixth High School on them for the students to wear. We discussed trying to get contact with Fiddyment Farm Elementary. Loren said that the NAs can give students government service credit.

4)   School Board Elections: Loren Cook spoke about the candidates, some of which by meeting time have not been confirmed as a candidate.  The City of Roseville Election Department has the names of candidates for the Elementary School Board and the High School Board.  Loren suggested we invite all the candidates to a forum at Chilton Middle School for our next meeting on September 20th.  An MC and questions and impartial panel to ask questions would be needed.  We would also have to do a flyer to announce this. Sue and Curt will get the ball rolling on this event.

5)   Roundtable: One of the attendees wondered if government teachers from the High Schools could be contacted to help with Measure D.  Colleen wondered what contributions to the Measure D group go toward?  The response was signs and campaign materials, more than likely.  

6)   Next Meeting:  We will meet at Chilton Middle School, 4501 Bob Doyle Drive, Roseville on September 20, 2016.  In September, meetings will resume at Chilton Middle School through year end.

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