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Chilton Middle School Dedication

The Barbara Chilton Middle School finally opened for our WestPark and Fiddyment Farm students on August 21st, 2012, and the dedication ceremony was held August 28th. It was a standing room only crowd in the multi-purpose room, including the students themselves who had been invited to attend. The audience was treated to intro tunes from the Chilton “Bobcats” Band, followed by a rousing performance of the Star Spangled Banner by young student Sophia Leekley. The Bobcats cheerleaders also led a quick opening cheer to support their school.

Principal Jeff Ancker gave brief introductions of the Roseville City School District board members present, then Council member Carol Garcia (Barbara Chilton’s daughter) introduced other members of her family and friends who spoke of the great dedication of Dr.Barbara Chilton and how proud she would have been of the school named in her honor.

Throughout the ceremony, there was a great reflection of pride in the new school by the students, faculty and attending parents. The ceremony program and pictures have been put on our WFFNA Schools site. We have also provided a link to the Press Tribune’s article on the school opening.

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More WFFNA photos can be found in the Gallery here

Download the Dedication Program below:

Barbara Chilton Middle School Dedication August 28, 2012.pdf

High School Update

On a less happy note, WFFNA members Loren and Sue Cook met with Roseville Joint Union High School District Superintendent Tony Monetti, school board member Scott Huber and Assistant Superintendent Gary Stevens on August 8, 2012. They provided a project review and explained that the land was already purchased, and plans for a campus to accommodate 2,400 students were 73% completed, but would include phase-in changes as needed.

Over $12 million has already been expended on the purchase of the land and development plans. Total project expenditures have gone from an estimate of $216 million in 2007 to just under $58 million for 2018, which is the latest expected completion date now reflected, following a two-year construction period. They will seek additional state funding in 2014.

While the projected budget has been greatly reduced for the new school, Mr. Monett said it would be a campus to be proud of, with an “emphasis on learners,” including expandable walls to accommodate changing class sizes. They hope to incorporate special engineering programs for students in connection with the power and water treatment plants in this area.

Once again, we expressed our hope that the high school, originally slated to open in 2013, could be completed as soon as possible. Again, there are no plans to address redistricting until the new school is ready to open.

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The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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