Public Notice is hereby given that a Subsequent Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (environmental report) for the Roseville Regional Soccer Complex Project is available for public review.
Project Location and Description: The project site is located on a 55-acre site in northwest Roseville, in western Placer County, California. The project site is located within the West Roseville Specific Plan Area, and consists of portions of four parcels: APN 496-020-034-000, APN 496-020-033-000, APN 496-020-032-000, and APN 017-101-017-000. The site land use and zoning designations are for Parks and Recreation (PR) and Light Industrial/Special Area (M1/SA). The project site is bound by Westbrook Boulevard to the west, Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plan (WWTP) to the east, and undeveloped commercially zoned parcels to the north and south.
The proposed project consists of the following components: The City of Roseville is proposing to construct a 10-field multi-sport facility layout consisting of the following components: lighted sports fields, onsite surface parking, walking/jogging trails, play areas, picnic areas, plazas and gathering spaces, a maintenance building, restroom building, field house and concessions building with a covered patio area.
Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Sites: The project site is not identified on any list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to California Government Code Section 65962.5.
Document Review and Availability: The public comment period will extend 30 days from July 12 to August 10, 2022. The document can be viewed and/or downloaded from the City of Roseville website at the following link:
Copies of the Subsequent Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration are also available for review at the City of Roseville Permit Center, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (closed between 12:00-1:00 pm).
Public Meeting: The Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration is tentatively scheduled for consideration and possible adoption by the City Council on August 17, 2022. City Council meetings start at 6:00 p.m., online and tentatively in the Roseville Council Chambers, 311 Vernon Street. Interested parties should refer to
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Contact: Written comments on the Initial Study and/or questions may be directed to: Terri Shirhall, Development Services Department, 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678 (774-5536), or
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