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Parks & Recreation - Updates

Two meetings were held for park developments for the West Roseville Specific Plan:  Tara Gee, Roseville Parks & Recreation Superintendent, and other support staff gave basic 8-step parks development process information at both of the following meetings:


10/16/2017 F-54 and Village Center meeting at Junction Elementary:

  • F-54 Park is a parcel of the Regional Park (aka ‘citywide’ park) for the WRSP; located along Fiddyment Road near Blue Oaks Blvd.  It will be built in phases.  
  • City is responsible for building and maintaining Regional Parks from the General Fund (same as for Mahany and Maidu Parks).  However, she indicated that the City won’t build what it can’t maintain through General Funds (looking towards asking WRSP to vote to self-assess for maintenance as previously mentioned several times recently.)
  • Half the site is a ‘preserve’, and Tara said original plans did not take that into consideration. 
  • Phase 1 shows an 18-hole ‘disc’ golf course plus 6-hole beginner course as the key feature; a dog park at the corner of Corin Drive and Hayden Parkway; and steel bridges across the creek (depending on grant funding).
  • Village Center Park has been redesigned as part of the Village Center rezone project. 
  • The project budget is estimated at $2.2 Million.  Developers and the newly approved Oakmont Senior facility will provide some direct funding towards the park, which may speed to allow groundbreaking in 2018.  
  • The park will run the full length of the project--from Pleasant Grove Blvd. between the Oakmont and commercial facilities, and back through new MDR housing to be added to the north parcels; it will still maintain its vista towards St. John’s Church.
  • Parking will be added fronting the park in the MDR sections.  Public concerns were expressed about lack of parking in the MDR sections, but the new plan actually provides more parking than originally provided for.
  • Plans include potential pavilion, water-feature, combined playground area, and direct access into the commercial and Oakmont facilities.


10/23/2017 F-52 Park

  • F-52 is located on Old Coach near Angus Road in the North Fiddyment Farm area.  
  • Budget is estimated $1.2 Million.  It is a pocket park usually built by the developers after 50-75% of the surrounding properties are built to general park funds; and then turned over to the City upon completion.  
  • Plans include children’s play area (mostly for ages 5-12 with some tot equipment), area for youth soccer, and group and informal picnic areas.  No intent at this time for a restroom (pocket parks are designed for 1-hour play; restrooms cost $100-$150,000 and are provided for larger neighborhood and school parks expecting 2-3-hour stays).  
  • All parks are now designed for water saving landscape.
  • A majority of the hands shown were happy with the plan as shown.  
  • Plans for all parks will be posted on the City’s Parks & Recreation website along with comment periods—they want to hear all comments-- good and bad-- so they can get true overall opinions from the public.




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