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May 2014 Fiddyment Farm Development Updates

May 2014 Fiddyment Farm Development Updates

On May 7, 2014, Loren and Sue Cook, Joe Van Zant, and Lita Freeman met with planners Steve Hicks and John Bayless and received the following updates on the Fiddyment Farm development.

High School --The last update we had was still for the school to start construction in 2016 for school opening in the Fall of 2018. The EIR for the property has already been completed, but it will still be a year for design, funding, and state architecture review. The RJUHSD receives $7,900 per home permit towards the school, and a state bond will cover the other half. Hicks and Bayless will try to set up a meeting with the WFFNA Planning Committee to meet the new superintendent Gary Severson in late June or Early July. Then we can invite Mr. Severson to a General WFFNA meeting for a later date.

Fiddyment Monument -- Steve Hicks pointed out where the proposed monument for the Fiddyment Family will be placed next to the Fiddyment Home off High School Road.

Blue Oaks Blvd. -- Fees for the extension of Blue Oaks to Westbrook Drive were already imposed; the Creekview development will build the north two lanes starting in the Spring of 2015.

Soccer Fields -- Mr. Hicks said the latest word is to expect building activity on the soccer park by 2017, and hope to see the extension to Blue Oaks Blvd. completed to that point.

Developments F-19 A&B -- We should see infrastructure start this summer. Joe Van Zant mentioned the dangerous curve at Angus where cars cannot see oncoming traffic and he would like WFFNA to see if the City of Roseville would advance a traffic light at that intersection sooner than later.

Community Garden -- Hicks and Bayless have been approached by the Placer Food Bank to help establish a community garden area; they will look further into the idea.

New MS4 Water Regulations -- Steve Hicks said new regulations for storm water management will go into full effect by 6/30/2015. Although the new regulations are supposed to help the overall environment, they foresee other less desirable consequences (such as increased mosquito activity); so they will work to get approval of as much development as possible prior to the 2015 cutoff.

ASR Wells -- Work is progressing on the two wells under current construction at Hayden Parkway (near Corin Drive and Fiddyment Road) and Blue Oaks Blvd. near Chilton Middle School; these wells should be done by December 2014. However, Mr. Hicks indicated that two other West Roseville Specific Plan wells that were previously to be collective wells in the ASR did not pass a recent quality test, and those wells (on Fiddyment Road north of Blue Oaks and one off West Side Drive) will now be monitoring stations only. As a follow up to this news, we contacted Jim Mulligan of the City of Roseville and he confirmed that slightly elevated levels of manganese were found at the test site. A new well would be built in the Zone 1 area, closer to Hwy 65; he said this would provide better use of ground water to all neighborhoods.

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The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

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