Village Center - Development Proposal
Date of Presentation: January 14, 2014 WFFNA Board Meeting
Presenters/Associates: Alan Hersh and Denton Kelley of LDK Ventures
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Alan Hersh and Denton Kelley, principals of LDK Ventures (property developers) gave a 45-minute presentation on a proposal to rezone the majority of the commercial Village Center property (parcels W-32 and W-33) to medium density residential (MDR). The developers are currently in escrow on the property, and have met with the City of Roseville to discuss the rezone. They asked to meet with our neighborhood to present the proposed changes and find out what the residents want.
Mr. Hersh and Mr. Kelley gave information about projected commercial sites to be part of future build-out in the surrounding developments. They explained that because of expected larger commercial sites, especially along Baseline in the Sierra Vista project, and a development adjacent to the Pleasant Grove & Fiddyment Road intersection, they don’t expect a large amount of commercial interest in the Village Center properties as originally designed. The developers felt that if left as is, the large commercial property would sit idle and nothing would be developed there for many years.
Consequently, to get the development going forward, they would like to cut back the large commercial area into two smaller pieces of commercial development on both sides of the park directly along Pleasant Grove Blvd. The remaining property, as currently projected, would be developed as a mix of 88 single and two-story homes, on 4,000 sq. ft. lots, with homes approximately 2,400 sq. ft. ; they would not be classified as ‘affordable’ status.
Mr. Hersh and Mr. Kelley expressed their thoughts for types of commercial they feel would work best surrounding the park, within walking and bicycling area of local the surrounding homes. They envision shops where people can come mingle: examples are a coffee shop, yogurt, bakery, sandwiches. Others mentioned were a local day center (desperately needed for the area), and a convenience store. It would not include a gas station, which is expected to be at future larger commercial sites.
The developers indicated the residences would get built first, probably with two years; the retail would probably be built within 2-5 years. The commercial would probably be built out in phases as occupants showed interest so the stores would not be sitting vacant. A traffic study and parking study will be done to make sure sufficient on-site parking will be included to avoid extra intrusion on the homes.
Attending residents seemed mostly pleased with the proposal and expressed thoughts that getting something developed was better than the property sitting empty. Residents suggested the developers could contact the home owner associations of the surrounding area, like The Club and Denby Square.
Loren Cook asked the developers to send him a copy of the plans presented so they could be posted on the WFFNA website.
Alan Hersh (916) 570-5337
Denton Kelley (916) 570-5330
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