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SPA 3 Meeting with Signature Properties and City of Roseville Planners

On July 28, 2010, members of WFFNA (Loren and Sue Cook, Rich Fabbre, Ted Daus, and Amy Aufdemberge) met with Steve Hicks of Signature Properties and Mike Isom and Tricia Stewart from the City of Roseville Planning Department to discuss the Specific Plan Amendment known as SPA 3 submitted for the Fiddyment Farm Development. This amendment would add 1905 more units on the north side of Blue Oaks, including more than 700 more High Density Residential (HDR) units.

Our representatives expressed its concerns and opposition over the proposed SPA 3 as it is currently submitted. While we understood possible modifications to coincide with the downturn in the economy in recent years, we raised our concerns over the impact a nearly 50% increase in the number of residences from the original West Roseville Specific plan for the Fiddyment Farm area. We expressed our concern that an increase of this order of magnitude will fundamentally change the nature of the neighborhood that we chose to live in. We also stated concerns over the various environmental impact issues of increased traffic, school overcrowding, water shortages and impact on air quality. We were assured by the City that a new environmental impact report (EIR), currently in process, will examine all these issues and more.

Our WFFNA members openly expressed their concerns that the City of Roseville is trying to take the easiest way to meet its state mandated SACOG (Sacramento Area Council of Governments) needs for affordable multiple housing units by placing them all in the West Roseville area where there is already current construction going on. Our representatives expressed their beliefs that continued amendments to dump large amounts of HDR units in this area are not consistent with the original West Roseville Specific Plan, but rather represents a large scale “bait and switch” to the homeowners who bought their homes under the original Specific Plan and neighborhood it represented.

Mike Isom stated the City would like to work in cooperation with our neighborhood’s citizens and would be willing to hold further meetings to discuss other possible alternatives. Rich Fabbre made a suggestion that the City might be able to fund an in-depth, independent survey of possible sites throughout Roseville where some of the proposed high density units could be built, areas more conducive to the city’s services than found in the West Roseville area. Mr. Isom indicated the City was not prepared to give a blanket approval of SPA 3 and that the City continues to look for other areas.

Read more for other issues that were also discussed at this meeting...

Other topics discussed with Steve Hicks were:

Siena Apartments -- inadequate parking continues to be a problem. Mr. Hicks said the previous resolution for the parking problem fell apart and they are still looking for a solution.

Fire Department -- is in the design phase. To coincide with the Fire Department’s needs for access, Signature Properties will advance the Blue Oaks bridge construction up to next year. Construction on the southern bridge (3 lanes) will start in spring of 2011 and allow one-lane traffic in each direction west of Fiddyment to Hayden Parkway. The northern 3 lanes of the bridge will follow as home sales and traffic requirements warrant. The Blue Oaks-Hayden Parkway corner has already been fitted with signal light equipment.

Schools -- St. John’s has continued use of Chilton for this next school term only. Further plans have discussed the opening of Chilton in part for use for expansion of Junction Elementary—[possibly using half the facility for 4th, 5th and 6th grades. Steve Hicks assured us that even with the proposed SPA 3 expansion, when the other elementary schools were built, they would still be within the student quota limits. The high school is still looking at possible construction activity by 2011.

Parks -- the 2nd Fiddyment Farm park near Corin Drive may start construction in early 2011. SPA 3 proposal would still provide a large number of pocket parks, but the overall sizes of the parks would be slightly reduced.

Bike Trails -- Signature is working to connect with the Crocker Ranch bike trails. The economic downturn in sales has delayed the $635 per house bike trail fee and money needed to construct the bridge underneath Fiddyment Road to enable the connection of trails.

SPCA -- one of the proposed properties out near the recycling containers would be for an animal shelter.

Submitted by Sue Cook

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The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

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