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Oakbriar - Development Proposal

Oakbriar - Development Proposal

Date of Presentation: January 14, 2014 WFFNA Board Meeting

Presenters/Associates: Pat Angell of PMC and Kent MacDiarmid

(click to enlarge)


Pat Angell, representing PMC (a community planning firm) gave a 20-minute presentation on a proposal to modify parcel F-23 (green) from a high density residential (HDR) zoning to a medium density residential (MDR) zoning. Parcel F-23 is one of 4 properties recently bought by James Ghielmetti of Signature Homes, former developer of the original Fiddyment Farms portion of the West Roseville Specific Plan. Parcels F-21, F-22, F-23 and F-24 are all HDR parcels located adjacent to the Blue Oaks and Fiddyment Road intersection.

The current amendment being submitted to the City of Roseville would ask to amend parcel F-23 from an HDR complex currently rated 20 units per acre to an MDR gated community of 96 single family homes. Mr. Angell indicated the City would require that government requirements (SACOG) would require that the 138 potential lost units would have to be distributed into the remaining 3 HDR parcels (blue), raising the density of the HDR units to 23.7 units per acre. They noted that government requirements only specify parcels be reserved for those potential densities, and do not require final build-out at those densities. The proposed 96 lots would range from 2800-3500 square feet, with homes ranging from approximately 1600-2000 square feet.

They expect to present the proposal before the Planning Commission this Spring, possibly March. Basic infrastructure to the area is already in place, and build-out of the project would begin in 2015. Drawings of the potential development were distributed and will be posted on the WFFNA website.

Contact: Kent MacDiarmid (916) 772-3680

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