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Fiddyment Plaza Gas Station & Convenience Store Project

At the 4/11/2017 Combined Board Meeting of the WestPark and Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Associations, Wayne Wiley, Roseville Project Planner, and Kurt Wagenknecht, architect for the project, gave about a one-hour presentation of the proposed gas station and convenience store project application currently pending before the Roseville Planning Department. (photo above is an example not the actual design)


Wayne Wiley, City of Roseville Project Planner: 

Mr.Wiley gave a brief introduction of the overall application which includes retail office space, restaurant and gas station.  Wayne said the 1.23-acre site was reconfigured and rezoned from Low Density Residential (LDR) to ‘commercial’ in the 2014 approval of the Fiddyment Farm Specific Plan Amendment 3 (SPA-3) proposal.  As such, the applicant has the legal right to build anything that will fit on the site and fall within the “principally permitted uses” under the zoning requirement.  The City basically cannot deny an application if it otherwise meets all the criteria required of the zoning. He said the Planning Department has started review of the application and has already presented a couple of items that they’d like revised and resubmitted for review. 


In response to several inquiries, Mr. Wiley also explained the City’s notification process.  When an application is received, the City of Roseville’s Planning Department is required to provide notification to property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project.  As an added courtesy, they also provide notice to the Neighborhood Association(s) of the project which also then forward on the info to their neighborhood membership through their local media sources.  City staff also coordinates with the applicant to hold a neighborhood meeting.


The next step for this project will be about 3 months to submit to the City’s Design Review Committee, the approving authority for this project.  If denied, there is an appeal process to the City Council..  The whole application process is about 1 to 1 ½ years.  Tonight’s meeting was only a neighborhood meeting to get information out to the public but more public meetings and comment periods will be set. 


Kurt Wagenknecht, architect:

Mr. Wagenknecht went through the architectural concept drawings for the proposed project, what facilities it would contain, and how it would fit onto the parcel.   He also discussed the old sidewalk area and wall to the rear of the lot, the 60’ of space between the back residents and the new facility, and future landscaping that would be applied.  He mentioned the county’s future sewer improvements for the Placer Ranch project that would run through behind the property to Angus Road.  Facilities for the project would include the gas pumps and overhead canopy, 20-25 seat restaurant, convenience store and other retail store spaces.


As Mr. Wagenknecht discussed the architect views and elements, Wayne indicated the City would be asking for a modification to reduce the proposed height of the facility (noted as a concern by neighbors).  Kurt also spoke of several features of the facility:

  • LED lighting-- down-facing, reducible to 30% of brightness, and then goes brighter by motion detectors;
  • Manned facility will be open 5AM until 12:30 AM, but gas station will remain open for self-use 24 hours/day. 
  • Parking sites will comply with minimum City requirements for the restaurant and retail facilities (however, concerns were raised about everything proposed fitting on the small site).


Mr. Surgit Singh, property owner/developer, was present with his wife.  He indicated that this project will be a family business; he intends to open a pizza parlor and yogurt shop on site.   He said he has an agreement with Chevron for the gas station.


Numerous comments and concerns were expressed throughout by audience members:

  • Crime activity in and around gas stations and convenience stores, especially drawing in traffic coming and going to the casino (already a stepped-up concern by police).
  • Hours of operation—would on-site security be provided after hours.
  • Potential property devaluation of the currently quiet residential community.
  • The types of retail businesses that might be included, especially concerns about smoke shops, cigarettes and liquor stores that might bring loitering and be inappropriate in a strictly residential neighborhood.  When asked about including deed/lease restrictions against these types of businesses, Mr. Singh was not receptive to including restrictions. 


Overall, several residents said they did not want the gas station; were opposed to alcohol/cigarettes/smoke shops (although they might be OK if sales were limited to beer and wine). 


Wayne Wiley said he would note the following specific concerns for design requirements and work with the applicant:

  • Height
  • Parking
  • Lighting

Fuel canopy to match building design.


Mr. Wiley advised that there would be more opportunities for comment, and he could be contacted at  Also project information can be found on the City’s website at:

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The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

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  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
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